Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Ilfracombe Centre - Ilfracombe. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Wilkinson.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2019 pdf icon PDF 301 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2019 (circulated previously) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Items brought forward which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered by the meeting as a matter of urgency


(a)     Complaint received regarding a possible breach of the Public Spaces Protection Order


The Chairman read out an email he had received requesting the Harbour Board take action over a possible breach of the Public Spaces Protection Order in place around Ilfracombe Harbour.


The Harbour Master advised the Board that the matter had been referred to the legal department at North Devon Council and that there was no action the Board could take in this matter.


Declarations of Interest

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone Corporate and Community Services to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting) Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




The following declarations of interest were announced:


Councillor Campbell

All items – personal interest as undertook occasional work for the Landmark Trust (Lundy Island).

Councillor Fowler

All items – personal interest as a boat owner.


Mr Knill

All items – personal interest as a member of Ilfracombe Yacht Club and Secretary of YSail.



Appointment of Independent Representatives to the Harbour Board. pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Report by Harbour Master.  (Attached).


The Board considered a report by the Harbour Master, (circulated previously), regarding the appointment of two Independent representatives to the Harbour Board.


The Head of Resources explained the constitutional background relevant to the appointment of members to the Board.


Mr Kift declared that he would be interested in re-applying through the competitive process.



RESOLVED that, the recruitment process to be undertaken to fill the positions for two Independent representatives on the Board as detailed in paragraph 4.3 of the report be noted.



Designated Person Audit Report. pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Report by Health and Safety Officer.  (Attached).


The Head of Resources provided the Board with an update following the quarterly designated person audit held on 15th and 16th May 2019 (circulated previously) in respect of the actions undertaken following the previous audit inspection, risk management and conclusions reached.


The Designated Person confirmed that the Marine Safety Management System was working effectively thus ensuring compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code.


The audit inspection had been carried out at both Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours and the following updates were given by the Harbour Master:




·         The replacement programme for the aluminium railings was continuing

·         The laser scan of Ilfracombe Harbour which had commenced would give a high definition picture of the Harbour and highlight any structural failures

·         The leading lights at Ilfracombe harbour if they failed would need replacing in pairs.  The manufacturer that supplied the lights previously was no longer in business

·         A quote had been received to replace the set of leading lights which had come in at £7,000

·         An annual maintenance budget for the Aids to Navigation (AtoN) of £2,000 was proposed for both Harbours

·         A request for a member of the Harbour Board was made by the Harbour Master to sit on a Security Advisory Committee which met twice a year, in response to this request Mr Cleary volunteered himself

·         A local artist had been secured to create an exhibition of works using driftwood and stone to be displayed in the waiting room at the Harbour

·         When the pier was built in 1999 the lintels installed were not correctly positioned and with the storms in January the structure finally failed; confirmed that structural repair had now taken place

·         The Harbour Master was looking at different Fender systems and would report back findings to Board Members

·         The Trade waste bins had now been relocated to outside the Fishermen’s compound and there was now a twice weekly collection to keep up with demand

·         The oil waste tank was not very accessible so re-fencing would enable access to the tank without the need to enter the main compound

·         The risk assessment for livestock in the Harbour had been completed




·         Research had been carried out to find a solution to the issue of hand rails needed to access vessels from the Harbour wall and which were not visible above the wall level.  A railing had been found which could be clipped to the wall when in use then unclipped when not in use

·         There was to be a meeting with the Environment Agency to discuss gated access requirements at the site of the flood defence wall

·         Signage was to be erected at the flood wall end of the Harbour Arm advising that the Arm was for emergency use only

·         Signs were to be installed at the top and bottom of the slipway advising that the area was a working Harbour and that access was restricted to Harbour users and escorted passengers


          RESOLVED that the findings of the Designated Audit Person’s

          report be noted.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Marine Safety Management System pdf icon PDF 851 KB

Report by Harbour Master.  (Attached).


The Board considered the Ilfracombe Harbour Marine Safety Management System report, (circulated previously), by the Harbour Master.


The Harbour Master advised the Board that she was to complete an audit training course to become fully qualified.  This qualification would mean the audit could be carried out internally every four years instead of paying an external organisation.


Mr Cleary, Independent Member, felt an amendment was needed to replace a word in the fourth paragraph under item 2.1.2 in the report instead of “excising” the word should read “exercising”.  He also felt it prudent to ask the legal department to check over the document.



RESOLVED that the Ilfracombe Harbour Marine Safety Management      System be noted.



Port Marine Safety Code

Harbour Master to report.


The Board received an update from the Harbour Master in relation to the Port Marine Safety code as follows:


·         The Emergency Plan policy was due for renewal on 28th June 2019 and a copy of this would be emailed to the Board Members once available

·         Performance Indicators, which measured how well the Harbour Master was performing, were to be looked at as some of the existing markers were not giving an accurate measure of performance.  Planned maintenance looking at how well the Harbour was being maintained gave an overview of all staff working on the Harbour not the Harbour Master alone, another good marker would be risk assessment reviews carried out along with complaints response

·         There was now an electronic means of recording safety such as fire drills and alarm checks as well as extinguisher testing

·         The Harbour used a software programme called HAZMAN for risk assessments and, when set up, there was an incident database module that would collate all near misses and/or incidents using online reporting which would enable the report of such incidents to be anonymous, if desired

·         All near misses must be reported as well as any spillages



Harbour Master Update

Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master gave the Board an update as follows:


·         The new lease for the Yacht Club was being finalised and under the new agreement they would be responsible for maintenance of the shower and toilet block as well as the charges for usage

·         Ilfracombe Town Council were now in agreement on the use of live falconry in Ilfracombe to help combat the seagull activity

·         The overpopulation of seagulls in and around Ilfracombe was causing the aggressive behaviour as food was being fought for

·         Lynmouth did not experience the same problem with seagulls

·         The Waste Shark was being returned to Holland for a  software update 

·         Donations had been received from M&E Alarms and TDK Lambda towards the cost of the launching system.  An application had been made to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty grant fund for the remaining amount needed

·         In preparation for the replacement Shark a tidal matrix was being drawn up

·         The Harbour Master and Head of Place had met and agreed on areas of the separation of revenues from the Water Sports Centre


In response to a question about Personal watercraft users not paying correctly, the Harbour Master advised that it was hoped to extend the sticker system in use at Ilfracombe and Lynmouth for personal watercraft users to Bideford and Appledore by extending the Memorandum of Understanding.


Waste Management Plan pdf icon PDF 754 KB

Report  by Harbour Master.  (Attached).


The Board considered the report by the Harbour Master, (circulated previously), and the Harbour Master gave the following additional information in relation to waste management and recycling:


·         A meeting was scheduled to take place with the Head of Operations and others to discuss recycling options and the correct collection of different recycling materials

·         A quote of £3,000 had been received for the creation of a bottle and drinks can shaped cut out in front of the respective bins.


RESOLVED that the Ilfracombe Harbour Authority Waste Management plan May 2019, be adopted.



Harbour Forum Update.

Chairman of Ilfracombe Harbour Forum to report.


In the absence of the Chairman of the Harbour Forum the Harbour Master gave a brief update, minutes of the last Forum meeting held on 21st May 2019 were tabled.  The Board received the following updates:


·         Attendance numbers at the Forum had dropped off so adverts had been placed to attract new members

·         The Water Sports project officer had attended the last Forum meeting and gave an update on progress.  With projected capital costs having escalated the grant money already secured was now short of the new estimate.


The Head of Resources gave the Board a summary of the current situation with the Water Sports Centre and explained that all potential new options would be presented to Members at a future Council meeting.  Any Revenue cost of extending the Water Sports Centre project officer’s contract would need to be presented as part of the business case to Council.  The Head of Resources explained that the funding for regeneration projects came from bids for grants and if costs went up further funding had to be applied for.  Lessons had been learned and future projects would benefit from this learning curve.