Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Ilfracombe Centre - Ilfracombe. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Turton.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2021 pdf icon PDF 219 KB



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2021 (circulated previously) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone Corporate and Community Services to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting) Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




The following declarations of interest were announced:


·       Councillor Fowler – personal interest in all items as was a boat owner and a member of Ilfracombe Yacht Club.

·       Councillor Campbell – personal interest as occasionally undertook work for Lundy Island and the Landmark Trust.


Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit Report -Ilfracombe & Lynmouth Harbours pdf icon PDF 393 KB

Report by the Health and Safety Manager (attached).


The Board noted the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit report – Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours (circulated previously).


The Designated Person confirmed that the Marine Safety Management system was working effectively, ensuring compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code.


The Designated Person gave the Board the following summary:


·         The audit of both Harbours was carried out on 12 October 2021 with the Harbour Master, Senior Building Surveyor, Health and Safety Advisor and Designated Person in attendance.  In addition the Town Clerk for Lynton and Lynmouth was in attendance for the Lynmouth audit.


Ilfracombe – actions completed


·         A damaged waste receptacle had been removed awaiting a replacement. The Harbour Master advised that the removal of Trade Waste was slightly improved but was still not always being carried out twice a week in accordance with the contract


·         The Environment Agency were taking the lead with regards to the removal of the benches and levelling up of the wall along Quay Road as part of the flood defence upgrade, which would also improve safety for the public using Quay Road


Ilfracombe – risk management


·         An internal audit on the following areas was carried out this quarter, with no non-conformities or non-compliance found:

·         (i) A planned Marine emergency response exercise carried out at Ilfracombe harbour on 1 September 2021 went well.  In attendance were crew of The Oldenburg, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, Environment Agency, Police, RNLI, and 2P responders.  A couple of recommendations had come out of the exercise as a result

·         (ii) Legislation, (Acts, Harbour Revision Orders, Byelaws) and Directions

·         (iii) Competency and Training

·         (iv) Duty Holder and DP Function

·         (v) Conservancy (survey, dredging)

·         The condition of the wall and pointing at Stone Bench had worsened.  To determine the best course of action to remedy the situation would commence with a structural survey being carried out as soon as possible

·         The new composite handrails were expected to be fitted along Old Quay Head in 2022-23 due to budget constraints

·         The new electrical conduit works were still outstanding

·         The crack along East Face was still being monitored, and did not seem to have worsened since July 2021. Surveyor to carry out structural survey at the same time as the survey of Stone Bench

·         Approval of the works to replace Fenders along the Cove was given at full Council in September 2021.  The funding to carry out these works had come from a successful application to the Maritime and Fisheries Fund

·         Recruitment of a Police Community Support Officer was still underway.  The Harbour Master and Deputy Harbour Master were still dealing with issues of Health and Safety concern

·         There was no timeline as yet for the works along Old Quay Road would  be carried out

·         Funding would be applied for to help with the costs of Flood defence works


Lynmouth - Actions Completed


·         Devon County Council had now responded to requests for works to be carried out on the May Bridge.  This was to make safe the rusted railings  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.


Ilfracombe Harbour Charges Review 2022-2023 pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Report by the Harbour Master (attached).


The Members considered the Ilfracombe Harbour Charges Review 2022 to 2023 report by the Harbour Master (circulated previously).


The Harbour Master gave members the following information:

·         The projected Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the financial year 2022 was an average of 2.2%

·         Comparisons with authorities across Devon regarding fuel price increases were made.  Most areas increased their charges by 25-30% with Padstow, Cornwall being 8% which was still higher than our charges

·         The proposed increase in Trade charges for fuel was 8%

·         The cost of buying fuel had increased substantially and costs to maintain/repair the pumps was expensive

·         There was no charge for filter disposal or waste oil removal

·         Currently pleasure users were paying a 60/ 40 split on the cost of fuel it was being proposed to charge one single rate and the back office would work out the split for HMRC




(a)  That all mooring dues and relevant miscellaneous charges are increased by the projected CPI increase of 2.2%; and


(b)  That fuel percentages are increased by a rate of 8% for all commercial operators and that the duel level percentage for pleasure craft be incorporated into a single price per litre


Ilfracombe Harbour Marine Safety Management System (MSMS) Review pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Report by the Harbour Master (attached).

Additional documents:


The Members considered the Ilfracombe Harbour Marine Safety Management (MSMS) Review report (circulated previously), by the Harbour Master.


The Harbour Master advised Members that references to new job title held by named Officers had been updated and that reference to HAZMAT had been removed.


RESOLVED that the Ilfracombe Harbour Marine Safety Management System (MSMS) be adopted.


Ilfracombe Budget Trading Account 2021 to 2022 Update pdf icon PDF 11 KB

Report by the Accountancy Services Manager, (attached)


Members noted the Ilfracombe Budget Trading Account 2021 to 2022 (circulated previously).


The Director of Resources gave Members the following update:

·         This update only included Ilfracombe Harbour.  Information in respect of Lynmouth harbour would be included for the next Board meeting

·         No budget variance were being reported – the budget was on target

·         At the end of 2019 to 2020 the harbour had a net deficit of £170,000 and at the end of 2020 to 2021 a net deficit of £150,000

·         Lynmouth, being a much smaller harbour, showed a net deficit at the end of 2020 to 2021 of just under £20,000



Aids to Navigation Update

The Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master gave Members an update in respect of Aids to Navigation as follows:


·         Solar powered lights was still being investigated as a replacement solution to the current electrically wired navigation lights system.  The damage sustained to the lights at Stone Bench was caused by fishermen casting off their lines.  If a solar panel sustained this type of damage the lights would stop working.  There was a question over the robustness of solar powered lights.  A greener solution was still being sought


Mr Gibbs warned that from experience using a mix of wind and solar powered options did not work as the systems did not ‘talk’ to each other.


·         We were approached to trial an underwater power generator but the 2 x 2 metre box had to sit under 3 meters of water at all time


The Director of Resources advised members that Council had earmarked reserve funds for environmental initiatives projects that might bring about capital investment in the future.


Councillor Wilkinson commented that environmental consideration in future projects was an important part of decision making.


Councillor Fowler, Chair, requested that Environment be added to the agenda as a sub-heading under Infrastructure.


Marine Safety Plan

Harbour Master to report.


No further update given.


Harbour Security Update

The Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master gave Members an update in respect of Harbour Security as follows:


·         It was with sadness that the Harbour Master had to report the death of the Harbour Master at Bideford

·         The Ilfracombe Harbour Master was now interim Port Facility Security Officer for Bideford harbour and had already dealt with an incident at Appledore

·         The position would be temporary until a replacement Harbour Master was found

·         There had been no security incidents to report from Ilfracombe Harbour

·         The Port Security Committee was due to meet on 9 December 2021, this could be moved to 6 December 2021 to accommodate all attendees, the Harbour Master would notify all attendees of any changes


Infrastructure Update

The Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master provided Members with the following updates in respect of Infrastructure:


·       The last fender on the fuel berth had failed.  It was really good news to have received full Council approval in September 2021 for the replacement programme

·       The Cove project would be the main project over winter.  The trench was being dug for the foundation of the fishermen’s toilets.  The prepping of the fenders was being carried out at Mill road before being transported to the harbour to be fitted

·       The stores had been finished at Old Quay Head, all harbour users had their own storage space now meaning the only items on Old Quay head were bait boxes

·       The Water Sports Centre was progressing, with supply issues causing some delays but the overall completion date of next summer was still hoped for

·       A business case for the post of Water Sports Officer had been approved

·       Projects to tackle next year would be the replacement of ladders and landing gear as well as replacing the davit on the 500kg electric crane with maritime steel

·       The waiting room had been open to local artists to display their works for a 2 to 3 week period.  The split of any funds raised was shared between the RNLI and the Harbour.  The Harbour had received £400 this year

·       Fewer complaints had been received about the Pier toilets, in part this could  be attributed to the additional Covid cleaning measures that were in place


Future Projects

The Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master provided Members with an update on Future Projects as follows:


·       Harbour booms, 15 meters in length and easily deployable by 2 persons were to be purchased.  The booms were light weight and self-inflated once rolled out.  They could be deployed from a boat or onshore

·       They could be used in rivers and lakes and were a good solution for deploying to contain any spillage in the first instance until Ambipar were able to arrive and deal with the incident

·       The cost of 5, which would completely cover North Devon’s needs was £7,500

·       The Harbour Master had arranged a meeting with Ashfords LLP to discuss the extended Harbour Revision Order.  It would also be an opportunity to go over the steps required to review the Harbour limits

·       The Harbour Master would like to introduce an Over-Wintering Policy for Harbour users, this would come to a future Board meeting

·       The Harbour Master had been asked to undertake a feasibility study for the installation of a petrol fuel pump at the harbour, a report would be presented to Members at a future meeting

·       The recycling of marine plastics taken to Exeter for grading was working really well and was keeping the carbon footprint of recycling down as it was being kept local.  There was one element of the processing that had to take place in Bristol


Harbour Community Forum Update

Chair of the Harbour Forum to report.


There was no update from the Harbour Community Forum.