Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: G107, 1st Floor, South West Institute Development Building, Petroc, Barnstaple - Petroc College. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bishop, Denton, C. Leaver, Lovering, Maddocks, Roome, Spear, Stevenson, Whitehead and York.


Councillor Orange joined the meeting virtually.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2024 (attached) pdf icon PDF 269 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2024 (circulated previously) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Chair's announcements


(a)  Boxphish Training for Councillors


The Chair reminded all Councillors to complete the Boxphish training modules on their iPads. Due to an increase in cyber-crime and online scams, it was important that all Councillors completed the training modules as soon as possible.


She added that if Councillors hadn’t yet completed any to-date, there were now four modules to complete and that each module would only take around five minutes to complete.


Business brought forward by or with the consent of the Chair


There was no business to be brought forward by the Chair.


Replies to any questions submitted by the Public and/or to receive Petitions under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution


There were no questions submitted by the Public and/or Petitions received under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution.


Declarations of Interest

Please telephone the Corporate and Community Services team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting. Interests must be re-declared when the item is called. A declaration of interest under the Code of Conduct will be a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, an Other Registrable Interest or a Non-Registrable Interest.  If the item directly relates to your interest you must declare the interest and leave the room for the item, save in the case of Other Registrable Interests or Non-Registrable Interests where you may first speak on the item as a member of the public if provision has been made for the public to speak.  If the matter does not directly relate to your interest but still affects it then you must consider whether you are affected to a greater extent than most people and whether a reasonable person would consider your judgement to be clouded, if you are then you must leave the room for the item (although you may speak as a member of the public if provision has been made for the public to speak) or, if you are not, then you can declare the interest but still take part).


There were no declarations of interest announced.


To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution

(a)  To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Bell


“Bideford/Barnstaple Rail Connection


The Strategy and Resources Committee meeting on 4th April 2022 considered a Motion, referred from Full Council on 23rd February 2022, “to support the reinstatement of Bideford to Barnstaple rail link for passenger and other services, as proposed by ACE Rail” proposed by Councillor Lofthouse. 


The Motion was supported by the Committee, and it was agreed

(a) That the inclusion of this policy aim within the revised joint local plan be referred to the Joint Planning Policy Committee for consideration; and 

(b) To work with partners and organisations to explore this idea and where necessary to lobby those who may contribute to making this happen including Great British Railways, Devon County Council, Peninsula Transport, and the Government.


The Joint Planning Policy Committee on 15th July 2022 RESOLVED that the Bideford to Barnstaple rail link is considered as part of the People and Place project.


The Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance has this opening declaration of purpose: To secure a new rail link between Bideford and Barnstaple and upgrade of the North Devon (Tarka) Line between Exeter and Barnstaple, championing their transformational benefits for communities and businesses and advocating to decision-makers the economic, social and environmental case for developing and investing in the project.”


Stakeholders who have already joined the alliance as founding members are Barnstaple Town Council, Bideford Town Council, Northam Town Council, Torridge District Council, Railfuture, and Tarka Rail Association.  This newly formed alliance held its inaugural event, generously sponsored by Barnstaple and Bideford Town Councils, on 1st March in Bideford’s Royal Hotel with senior officers present from North Devon Council.




1) That North Devon Council join the Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance as a founding Member.


2) That North Devon Council considers following the example of Torridge District Council in 2024/25 will commit to providing a contribution towards feasibility studies / business case development to be commissioned on behalf of the Alliance. This study will create a “roadmap” to extending rail services to Bideford as well as vital improvements to the antiquated Tarka Line to allow additional passing points in order to ensure 2 services per hour, an express Barnstaple to Exeter and the existing stopping service to Exmouth. Any costs to be presented for agreement at a later NDC S&R meeting.


3) That North Devon Council uses its influence as a founder member of the Alliance to


a) call on other public bodies, voluntary and business stakeholders and others to support sustainable transport options for northern Devon and to take an active role in the Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance.


b) support an integrated sustainable transport strategy for northern Devon, including long-term ambitions to see Bideford fully reconnected to the national rail network via Barnstaple. 


c) include rail development plans and other sustainable transport plans in any future North Devon Council contribution to Local Planning processes and reflect this desire in any plans brought forward for  ...  view the full agenda text for item 54.


(a)  To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Bell


“Bideford/Barnstaple Rail Connection


The Strategy and Resources Committee meeting on 4th April 2022 considered a Motion, referred from Full Council on 23rd February 2022, “to support the reinstatement of Bideford to Barnstaple rail link for passenger and other services, as proposed by ACE Rail” proposed by Councillor Lofthouse.


The Motion was supported by the Committee, and it was agreed:


(a)  That the inclusion of this policy aim within the revised joint local plan be referred to the Joint Planning Policy Committee for consideration; and

(b)  To work with partners and organisations to explore this idea and where necessary to lobby those who may contribute to making this happen including Great British Railways, Devon County Council, Peninsula Transport, and the Government.


The Joint Planning Policy Committee on 15th July 2022 RESOLVED that the Bideford to Barnstaple rail link is considered as part of the People and Place project.


The Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance had this opening declaration of purpose: “To secure a new rail link between Bideford and Barnstaple and upgrade of the North Devon (Tarka) Line between Exeter and Barnstaple, championing their transformational benefits for communities and businesses and advocating to decision-makers the economic, social and environmental case for developing and investing in the project.”


Councillor Bell addressed Council advised that since the Motion was originally put forward its desired outcomes had changed significantly.


He added that whilst he was fully in support of the idea of improving the existing Tarka Line between Barnstaple and Exeter he requested that his notice of motion be withdrawn with a view to an amended version being presented to Council in January 2025.


Council noted the request to delay the notice of motion until January 2025.


(b) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Bulled


      Councillor Bulled clarified her position in that whilst she had a lifetime’s 

      experience of farming she was now retired and therefore had no interest

      nor would she benefit from any inheritance.


      She explained that the Motion was being presented subsequent to the

      work regarding North Devon farming that the Council had already

      delivered through the Policy Development Committee in 2024.


      She presented her notice of motion to Council:


      She highlighted her concern with regards to the proposed changes to

      inheritance tax that had been announced by the Labour Government in  

      the recent Autumn budget, which would scrap Agricultural Property Relief 



      She explained that APR had been instrumental in allowing British family

      farms to remain intact across generations, supporting food security,

      sustaining rural communities, and aiding environmental stewardship.


      The tax was estimated to impact over 70,000(1) family farms, leaving the

      average farming family with a tax bill of at least £240,000(2), which would

      force many to sell portions of their land or close entirely, paving the way

      for corporate ownership and lifestyle buyers over family ownership.


      She requested that an amendment be added to the recommendation that

      if the Government wish to continue to make  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.


Chair's replies to any questions to Council by Members submitted under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution


There were no questions submitted by Members under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution.


Report of the Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 242 KB

Report by Leader of the Council (attached).


Council considered and noted a report by the Leader of the Council (circulated previously) regarding work that had been undertaken since the last Council meeting.


Councillor Worden thanked both the Leader and his deputy for their attendance at a recent meeting of the South Molton Town Council, which was very well received. He added that he would like the process to continue as it was a valuable way of communicating directly with the Town and Parish Councils and requested that other Town and Parish Councils be given the same opportunity.


The Leader of Council advised that both himself and the Deputy Leader would be attending a meeting of Landkey Parish Council on 4th December 2024 and that an invitation had also been extended to Swimbridge Parish Council to attend the meeting.


Questions by Members

Questions to the Leader or the Chair of a Committee submitted under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 10.4 of the Constitution.


Council noted that no questions had been submitted to the Leader or the Chair of a Committee under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 10.4 of the Constitution.


Lead Members reports


Lead Member for Housing report pdf icon PDF 265 KB

Report by Lead Member for Housing (attached).


Council considered and noted a report by the Lead Member for Housing (circulated previously).


The Lead Member for Housing addressed Council and requested that he be allowed to respond in writing to any questions from Members in relation to his report.


Councillors agreed to support the request.


Councillor Prowse addressed Council and requested an update from the Leader in relation to the Local Plan working groups that were held at Caddsdown Business Support Centre, Bideford on 8th November 2024. He thanked those members who had attended the working groups and requested that any Members who were unable to attend any future working groups send a substitute in their place. He acknowledged that whilst Caddsdown was a good facility, accessing it for Councillors from rural parts of the North Devon area often involved long journeys. He therefore suggested that organisers perhaps look at alternative locations such as Node for future workshops to ensure maximum attendance.


He also wished to record his thanks to Councillor Wilkinson for his involvement with the arrangements.


The Lead Member for Housing added that Councillors representing North Devon Council considerably outnumbered by those Councillors representing Torridge District Council.


The Leader explained that he would be unable to attend the next workshop and had sought to find a substitute from within his group without success. He added that he would extend the offer to the rest of the Members and if anyone wished to attend in his place they were welcome to contact him.


He wished to pass on his thanks to the Lead Member for Housing for his thorough and in depth report, which reflected the hard work of the officers involved.


Lead Member for Climate and Biodiversity Report pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Report by Lead Member for Climate and Biodiversity (attached).


Council considered and noted a report by the Lead Member for Climate and Biodiversity (circulated previously).


The Lead Member for Climate and Biodiversity invited questions from Council in relation to his report.


In response to questions, he advised the following:


·       He acknowledged that the Council would not be able to achieve in-house Net Zero by 2030, due to reasons ‘beyond our control’. This was unfortunate but due to an impossible target with the Councils Scope 3 emissions beyond our control as the Council still do not produce its own electricity, despite so many roofs crying out for solar panels. The sale of red diesel to the fishing boats in Ilfracombe contributed significantly to the Council’s footprint together with the fuel that the Council required Refuse and Recycling fleet, which produced the Council highest emissions. He added that there were aspirations to introduce a fully electric recycling fleet. However, he acknowledged that this would take time and funding to come to fruition.

·       He openly supported agriculture and acknowledged that at times planning legislation with regards to agricultural buildings and applications did seem irrational.


The Chair of Council emphasised the importance of Members attending the visioning workshops to ensure that they had full ownership with the decisions that were taken at Planning Committee.


The Leader that the Lead Member for Climate and Biodiversity for his report stating that it was not an easy portfolio to hold. However, it was one of the most important portfolios within the Council. He acknowledged and agreed that the Council was not going to hit its target of net zero by 2030 and that it was very much an aspirational target for the Council moving forwards.


Performance and Financial Management Quarter 2 of 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 480 KB

Report by Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 4 November 2024 (attached).

Additional documents:


Report of the Policy Development Committee pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To receive the report of the Policy Development Committee held on 7 November 2024 (to follow).


Councillor Patrinos, Vice Chair of the Policy Development Committee presented the Committee’s report on the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 2 of 2024/25 report to the Policy Development Committee on 7th November 2024 (circulated previously).




Report of meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 7 KB

To receive the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4 November 2024 (attached).


Councillor Clayton, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee reported the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4th November 2024 on the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 2 of 2024/25 report.


It was moved by Councillor Lane and seconded by Councillor Norman “that minute 71 (a-f) of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4th November 2024 regarding the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 2 of 2024/25 report be adopted”.


RESOLVED that minute 71 (a-f) of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4th November 2024 regarding the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 2 of 2024/25 report be adopted.



Mid Year Treasury Management Report 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 467 KB

Report by Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 4 November 2024 (attached).

Additional documents:


Council considered the Mid-year Treasury Management Report 2024/25 to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 4th November 2024 (circulated previously).





Report of the Policy Development Committee pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To receive the report of the Policy Development Committee held on 7 November 2024 (to follow)


Councillor Patrinos, Vice Chair of the Policy Development Committee presented the Committee’s report on the Treasury Management mid-year Report 2024/25 to the Policy Development Committee on 7th November 2024 (circulated previously).


Report of Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 5 KB

To receive the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4 November 2024 (attached).


Councillor Clayton, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee reported the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4th November 2024 on the Mid-Year Treasury Management report for 2024-2025 (circulated previously).


It was moved by Councillor P. Leaver and seconded by Councillor Bell “that recommendation 72 of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4th November 2024 regarding the Mid-Year Treasury Management report for 2024- 2025 be adopted.”


RESOLVED that recommendation 72 of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 4th November 2024 regarding the Mid-Year Treasury Management report for 2024- 2025 be adopted.


Statement of Accounts 2023/24


Report by Chief Financial Officer (attached) pdf icon PDF 286 KB

Chair of the Governance Committee to report the recommendations of the Governance Committee held on 12 November 2024 (to follow).

Additional documents:


Council considered a report by the Chief Financial Officer (circulated previously) regarding the Statement of Accounts for 2023/24.


The Finance Manager advised that:


·       The target date for published audited accounts was by the first working day in June 2024. As at 3rd June 2024 only 65/164 (40%) of District Councils had had published their draft accounts with North Devon being one of those Councils.

·       The external audit was undertaken by Bishop Fleming who were the Council’s appointed external auditors.

·       The audit of the Council’s financial statements took place from August to September 2024 and was concluded in October 2024.

·       The Audit Findings report was considered by the Governance Committee at its meeting held on 12th November 2024.

·       The External Auditors reported an unqualified opinion on the Council’s financial statements.

·       There were four recommendations made, which were detailed within the key findings and these were accepted by management and a response had been built into the Action Plan.

·       The narrative report, which was detailed on pages 124 to 134 of the report identified the challenges that the Council was facing and how it aimed to address those challenges together with the review of the previous financial year 2023-24.

·       There were challenges facing the country, which included the cost of living pressures together with previous high inflation rates, which had risen from 2.9% at the beginning of the 2021/22 financial year to 11.1% by April 2022. Double digit inflation continued for the whole of 2022/23 peaking at 14.2% in October 2022; 2023/24 had seen a gradual easing, finishing the year at 4.3%.

·       However, inflationary impacts continued to be incurred within the Council’s current base budget and a number of those had been built into the 2024/25 budget and the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Council would continue to capture the additional costs and ensure that they were fed into the quarterly performance reports.

·       Page 127 of the report detailed the quarter three position for 2023/24, which reported a net surplus of £73,000 with the additional income for Business Rates achieving a final outturn position with a net budget surplus of £630,000. The main variances of which were detailed on pages 128 and 129 of the report.

·       The movement of from quarter three of £557,000 was mainly attributed to the £760,000 additional Business Rates income.

·       The options for the management of the £630,000 surplus was to commit the following amounts to earmarked reserves as follows:


Corporate property income volatility reserve




Insurance reserve



Digital transformation financial system reserve



·       Members approved in June 2021 to proceed with the acquisition of Green Lanes Shopping Centre.

·       The purchase complimented other significant regeneration improvements, which were being delivered were being delivered within Barnstaple town centre through the Future High Streets project.

·       The financial outturn for the centre produced a net return (income less costs) of:


2021/22   (£243,600).

2022/23   (£291,000).

2023/24   (£237,000), although this figure included £150,000 from the income volatility reserve due to the financial impact of losing Wilko in August 2023.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61a


Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 5 KB

Report by Head of Governance (attached) and to consider the recommendation of the Governance Committee held on 11 June 2024 (attached)

Additional documents:


Council considered a report by the Head of Governance (circulated previously) regarding the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24.


The Head of Governance advised the following:


·       The Annual Governance Statement formally recorded and published the arrangements that the Council had in place to ensure that its functions were carried out effectively based on the core principles of the governance framework.

·       The framework included the work of both the Strategy and Resources Committee and Full Council in setting budgets, strategies and corporate objectives together with the work of the Governance Committee on risk management and reviewing audit reports alongside Senior Management Team and the Corporate Risk Group.

·       The Councils internal auditors, Devon Assurance Partnership carried out 16 audits during the years 2023/24 and their overall assessment was that the Council had a generally sound system of governance, risk management and control in place.

·       The external auditors had recently completed their value for money review and again concluded that the Council had proper arrangements to secure economic, efficient and effective use of its resources. Their review of the Council’s governance arrangements also found no significant weaknesses in its arrangements.

·       There were some areas of improvement identified during their assessment and they were set out in appendix C on page 275 of the report.

·       The draft annual governance statement was agreed by the Governance Committee in June 2024, therefore the recommendation within the report was to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023/23 as part of the signing off of the Statement of Accounts 2023/24.


In response to a request that for clarity for all Members, that all recommendations that had been previously agreed by the Governance Committee be presented at future meetings as part of the report, the Head of Governance agreed to include the details in all future reports to Full Council.


It was moved by Councillor Norman and seconded by Councillor Clayton that the recommendation be adopted.


RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24 (as detailed in Appendix A) be approved.


Letter of Representation on behalf of the Council pdf icon PDF 234 KB

It is RECOMMENDED “that the letter of representation on behalf of the Council be approved and signed by the Chief Financial Officer”.  To consider the recommendation of the Governance Committee held on 12 November 2024 (to follow).

Additional documents:


Council considered the Letter of Representation on behalf of the Council (circulated previously).


The Finance Manager explained that the Letter of Representation formally outlined to the External Auditors the governance arrangements in place and the Authority’s responsibilities on the financial statements presented. This letter was a standard letter and letter was required as part of the final process for the approval of the Statement of Accounts for 2023/24 and would enable the Auditors to issue their final opinion.


It was proposed by Councillor Crabb and seconded by Councillor Norman that the recommendation be adopted.


RESOLVED that the letter of representation on behalf of the Council be approved and signed by the Chief Financial Officer.


Half Yearly Report of Chair of Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 402 KB

Report by the Chair of Governance Committee (attached).


Council considered and noted the half yearly report from the Chair of the Governance Committee (circulated previously).




Requests for Waiver of 6 Month Councillor Attendance Rule pdf icon PDF 294 KB

Report by Chief Executive (attached).


Council considered a report by the Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding a request for Waiver of the six month Councillor Attendance Rule.


The Chief Executive advised that Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 stated that: ‘if a member of a local authority fails throughout a period of six consecutive months from the date of his last attendance to attend any meeting of the authority, he shall, unless the failure was due to some reason approved by the authority before the expiry of that period, cease to be a member of the authority’.


He explained that both Councillors Neil Denton and Liz Spear had been unable to attend meetings recently and the purpose of this report was to seek approval from Council to approve their continuing absence, which might exceed six consecutive months, due to ill health.


He drew the Member’s attention to the following points within the report:


·       Councillor Neil Denton had been unable to attend Council meetings recently on ill health grounds. The last meeting that Councillor Denton attended was Licensing and Community Safety Committee on 10th September 2024. The six consecutive months were due to expire on 10th March 2025.


·       A formal request had been made for an extension to the six month rule by a further three months i.e. until 10 June 2025 to be approved to enable Councillor Denton to remain in office until he is able to resume normal duties.


·       Councillor Liz Spear had been unable to attend Council meetings recently on ill health grounds. The last meeting that Councillor Spear attended was Policy Development Committee on 18 July 2024. The six consecutive months were due to expire on 18th January 2025.


·       A formal request had been made for an extension to the six month rule by a further three months i.e. until 18th April 2025 to be approved to enable Councillor Spear to remain in office until she is able to resume normal duties.


·       Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act enabled a Local Authority to approve the reason(s) for non-attendance of a Member at any meeting of the Authority throughout a period of six consecutive months, provided that approval was given by the Authority before the expiry of the six month period.


·       The extension would give flexibility and would not prevent Councillors Neil Denton and Liz Spear from returning and attending meetings at any time before the end of the further three month extension to the six month rule.


·       Once a councillor loses office, through failure to attend for the six month period, the disqualification cannot be overcome by the councillor subsequently resuming attendance nor can retrospective approval of the Council be sought for an extension in time.


It was moved by Councillor Prowse and seconded by Councillor Biedrman that the recommendations be approved.




a)    That Councillor Neil Denton’s non-attendance at meetings of the authority due to ill health be extended for a further three month period up to 10 June 2025 pursuant to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.


Ilfracombe Healthy Homes and Community Land Trust, Combined County Authority BIDs pdf icon PDF 196 KB

Report by Head of PMO and Environmental Health and Housing (attached).


Council considered a report by the Head of Programme Management and Performance (circulated previously) regarding Ilfracombe Healthy Homes and Community Land Trust, Combined County Authority BIDs.


The Chief Executive drew the Member’s attention to the following points:


·       North Devon Council submitted two business cases to Government (Department of Levelling Up, Housing & Communities that changed to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government after the last general election) for a total funding amount of £2,790,000:


Ø  Project 1 entitled Healthy Homes Pilot with a financial ask of £1,980,000; and


Ø  Project 2 named Additional Low Carbon Community Land Trust Affordable Housing in Isolated Areas with an ask of £810,000.


·       Both those Bids were successful and the report sought to vary the capital programme to incorporate the total allocation.


·       The 2 projects had been tested through a rigorous process where the strategic, economic, commercial, financial management cases had been scrutinised by independent parties to test the robustness of the proposals.


·       Project 1: A pilot project to assess if intervening in the Ilfracombe local housing market would help to improve the housing standards of existing low quality homes in terms of cost and quality plus the overall living conditions and wider health determinates of the residents.


·       These funds would enable the Council to purchase two empty properties, refurbish them by introducing sustainable elements and measure the impacts, which were noted in paragraph 1.3 of the report. This would then set a blueprint for standards.


·       If the pilot delivered the desired outcomes outside of the scope of the project, the next phase would be to identify additional low quality, poorly converted properties, move those tenants to healthy empty homes within the Council’s control while improvement renovations took place within their original properties. This would need to be subject to a separate business case. In line with the business case, the project objectives were then to utilise the next revenue from the first properties to be ring-fenced and recycled towards financing capital borrowing costs for the next property acquisition(s). Improving the environmental performance of the properties would create sustainable accommodation for residents and improve their own disposable income.


·       The level of deprivation was significant and accepted by Devon County Council and MHCLG colleagues. To date, funding requests/business cases had not been successful and therefore the Council had been unable to pursue opportunities to intervene in the private rented sector, which this funding would enable us to do; bringing empty and poor quality homes back into use.


·       Project 2: To replace the Council’s committed funds to complete the build of 27 units of Community Land Trust (CLT) low carbon affordable housing for social rent in Woolacombe and Parracombe.


·       This would enable the Council to recirculate those funds originally allocated to these schemes and reallocate them more flexibly to support the build out of another 19 Passivhaus CLT affordable homes in Georgeham and support a further 28 homes through the planning systems at Lynton, West Down and Braunton to take them to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.


North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee - Outside body appointment

To consider the appointment of a Councillor(s) to replace Councillor(s) on the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty. 


Council considered the appointments of two Councillors to replace Councillor(s) on the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee.


Councillor Clayton advised that the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee did not allow the appointment of substitutes at its meetings and therefore proposed that the following appointments be made to the Council representatives of North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee:


a)    That Councillor Bell be appointed to replace Councillor D. Knight; and


b)    That Councillor Williams be appointed to replace Councillor Spear.


It was moved by Councillor Clayton and seconded by Councillor Norman that that Councillors Bell and Williams be appointed as the Council representatives to the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee. That those appointments be made for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty.


RESOLVED, that the above appointments be made to the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee.


Councillors Maskell and Patrinos abstained from the vote.


Minutes of Committees

Council is recommended to note the schedule of Committee minutes and approve recommendations as listed below:


Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 518 KB

(i)             23 September 2024

a.    Minute 113: Update to Constitution – Delegated Powers to Harbour Board (NOTE: This recommendation was adopted by Council at its meeting on 25 September 2024)



RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Governance Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i) 23rd September 2024:


a.    Minute 113: Update to Constitution – Delegated Powers to Harbour Board (NOTE: This recommendation was adopted 7 by Council at its meeting on 25 September 2024).


Joint Planning Policy Committee pdf icon PDF 242 KB

(i)             20 September 2024


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Joint Planning Policy Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


                        i.         20 September 2024.


Licensing and Community Safety Committee pdf icon PDF 248 KB

(i)             10 September 2024



RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Licensing and Community Safety Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


                        i.         10th September 2024.



Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 248 KB

(i)             4 September 2024

(ii)            13 September 2024

(iii)          9 October 2024

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Planning Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


                        i.         4th September 2024.

                       ii.         13th September 2024.

                      iii.         9th October 2024.




Policy Development Committee pdf icon PDF 263 KB

(i)             7 November 2024 (to follow)


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Policy Development Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


                        i.         7th November 2024.




Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 282 KB

(i)             7 October 2024

a.    Minute 60 (c): Pest Control Service

(ii)            4 November 2024 (to follow)

a.    Minute 73 (e): Approval and Release of S106 Public Open Space Funds – Burrington, Heasley Mill and Lovacott

b.    Minute 75: Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Principles

c.     Minute 79: NDC Corporate Strategies

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


               i.         7th October 2024:


a.    Minute 60 (c): Pest Control Service.


              ii.         4th November 2024:


b.    Minute 73 (e): Approval and Release of S106 Public Open Space Funds – Burrington, Heasley Mill and Lovacott.

c.     Minute 75: Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Principles.

d.    Minute 79: NDC Corporate Strategies.