Agenda item
To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution
(a) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Bell
“Bideford/Barnstaple Rail Connection
The Strategy and Resources Committee meeting on 4th April 2022 considered a Motion, referred from Full Council on 23rd February 2022, “to support the reinstatement of Bideford to Barnstaple rail link for passenger and other services, as proposed by ACE Rail” proposed by Councillor Lofthouse.
The Motion was supported by the Committee, and it was agreed
(a) That the inclusion of this policy aim within the revised joint local plan be referred to the Joint Planning Policy Committee for consideration; and
(b) To work with partners and organisations to explore this idea and where necessary to lobby those who may contribute to making this happen including Great British Railways, Devon County Council, Peninsula Transport, and the Government.
The Joint Planning Policy Committee on 15th July 2022 RESOLVED that the Bideford to Barnstaple rail link is considered as part of the People and Place project.
The Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance has this opening declaration of purpose: “To secure a new rail link between Bideford and Barnstaple and upgrade of the North Devon (Tarka) Line between Exeter and Barnstaple, championing their transformational benefits for communities and businesses and advocating to decision-makers the economic, social and environmental case for developing and investing in the project.”
Stakeholders who have already joined the alliance as founding members are Barnstaple Town Council, Bideford Town Council, Northam Town Council, Torridge District Council, Railfuture, and Tarka Rail Association. This newly formed alliance held its inaugural event, generously sponsored by Barnstaple and Bideford Town Councils, on 1st March in Bideford’s Royal Hotel with senior officers present from North Devon Council.
1) That North Devon Council join the Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance as a founding Member.
2) That North Devon Council considers following the example of Torridge District Council in 2024/25 will commit to providing a contribution towards feasibility studies / business case development to be commissioned on behalf of the Alliance. This study will create a “roadmap” to extending rail services to Bideford as well as vital improvements to the antiquated Tarka Line to allow additional passing points in order to ensure 2 services per hour, an express Barnstaple to Exeter and the existing stopping service to Exmouth. Any costs to be presented for agreement at a later NDC S&R meeting.
3) That North Devon Council uses its influence as a founder member of the Alliance to
a) call on other public bodies, voluntary and business stakeholders and others to support sustainable transport options for northern Devon and to take an active role in the Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance.
b) support an integrated sustainable transport strategy for northern Devon, including long-term ambitions to see Bideford fully reconnected to the national rail network via Barnstaple.
c) include rail development plans and other sustainable transport plans in any future North Devon Council contribution to Local Planning processes and reflect this desire in any plans brought forward for public consultation.
d) Consider how public transport can be rejuvenated across North Devon and into Torridge and Mid Devon through the creation of express bus services linking Ilfracombe through Barnstaple, South Molton and onto Tiverton Parkway. Mirroring the discontinued rail service that was removed in 1965. Also the feasibility of an Express bus servicing Bideford and Barnstaple.
e) attend next year's meeting of the Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance, proposed to be held in Barnstaple, and work with its other members to promote the reconnection of Bideford with Barnstaple and the national rail network.”
(b) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Bulled
Protecting British Family Farms and Preserving Rural Communities
North Devon Council notes with concern the proposed changes to inheritance tax announced by the Labour Government in the recent Autumn budget, which would scrap Agricultural Property Relief (APR). APR has been instrumental in allowing British family farms to remain intact across generations, supporting food security, sustaining rural communities, and aiding environmental stewardship.
This tax is estimated to impact over 70,000(1) family farms, leaving the average farming family with a tax bill of at least £240,000(2), which will force many to sell portions of their land or close entirely, paving the way for corporate ownership and lifestyle buyers over family ownership.
The Council believes that this tax will have severe impacts on :-
1. Food Security: Selling off land or closing farms will put our national food independence at risk, at a time when global stability is already fragile. British family farms are critical to ensuring a steady supply of homegrown food.
2. Rural Community Stability: Family farms are the foundation of North Devon, and rural Britain, contributing to local jobs, schools, and essential services. Labour’s proposed tax risks destabilising communities, eroding the rural way of life, and causing a negative ripple effect across the countryside.
3. Environmental Stewardship: Farms cover 70% of the UK’s land, with family farms playing a leading role in nature recovery, biodiversity enhancement, water quality improvement and sustainable land management. The sale and fragmentation of these lands would hinder conservation efforts and undermine environmental initiatives.
4. Mental Health Issues. Farmers are already at high risk of suicide due to precarious state of their incomes allied to the isolated situations in which they work. This tax will inevitably exacerbate those concerns with more potential suicides ensuing.
This Council resolves to:
Write a letter to the Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves & the Secretary of State for DEFRA Steve Reed to :-
• Oppose the Labour Government’s changes to inheritance tax affecting family farms.
• Advocate for the exemption of family farms to preserve the UK's food security, rural communities, environmental initiatives.
· The letter to be signed by the Leaders of Groups on North Devon Council
· This Council urges all Councillors to stand with our North Devon & all Britain’s family farms, to support our rural communities, and to protect the environment by formally rejecting this proposed “family farm tax.”
1. CLA 2024 October
2. AHDB 2024 October
(a) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Bell
“Bideford/Barnstaple Rail Connection
The Strategy and Resources Committee meeting on 4th April 2022 considered a Motion, referred from Full Council on 23rd February 2022, “to support the reinstatement of Bideford to Barnstaple rail link for passenger and other services, as proposed by ACE Rail” proposed by Councillor Lofthouse.
The Motion was supported by the Committee, and it was agreed:
That the inclusion of this policy aim within the
revised joint local plan be referred to the Joint Planning Policy
Committee for consideration; and
(b) To work with partners and organisations to explore this idea and where necessary to lobby those who may contribute to making this happen including Great British Railways, Devon County Council, Peninsula Transport, and the Government.
The Joint Planning Policy Committee on 15th July 2022 RESOLVED that the Bideford to Barnstaple rail link is considered as part of the People and Place project.
The Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance had this opening declaration of purpose: “To secure a new rail link between Bideford and Barnstaple and upgrade of the North Devon (Tarka) Line between Exeter and Barnstaple, championing their transformational benefits for communities and businesses and advocating to decision-makers the economic, social and environmental case for developing and investing in the project.”
Councillor Bell addressed Council advised that since the Motion was originally put forward its desired outcomes had changed significantly.
He added that whilst he was fully in support of the idea of improving the existing Tarka Line between Barnstaple and Exeter he requested that his notice of motion be withdrawn with a view to an amended version being presented to Council in January 2025.
Council noted the request to delay the notice of motion until January 2025.
(b) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Bulled
Councillor Bulled clarified her position in that whilst she had a lifetime’s
experience of farming she was now retired and therefore had no interest
nor would she benefit from any inheritance.
She explained that the Motion was being presented subsequent to the
work regarding North Devon farming that the Council had already
delivered through the Policy Development Committee in 2024.
She presented her notice of motion to Council:
She highlighted her concern with regards to the proposed changes to
inheritance tax that had been announced by the Labour Government in
the recent Autumn budget, which would scrap Agricultural Property Relief
She explained that APR had been instrumental in allowing British family
farms to remain intact across generations, supporting food security,
sustaining rural communities, and aiding environmental stewardship.
The tax was estimated to impact over 70,000(1) family farms, leaving the
average farming family with a tax bill of at least £240,000(2), which would
force many to sell portions of their land or close entirely, paving the way
for corporate ownership and lifestyle buyers over family ownership.
She requested that an amendment be added to the recommendation that
if the Government wish to continue to make changes to inheritance tax
that full consultation should take place with the farming sector prior to any
decisions being taken.
Councillor R. Knight addressed Council and spoke against the motion as it stood because he disagreed with the proposed resolutions.
- He addressed Council and spoke of the impact on a lot of professions as a result of the recent budget. He referenced the demonstration in London, which was held on 19th November 2024 against planned proposals for the government’s changes to inheritance tax and its impact upon family farms.
- He highlighted the future risk of potential trade tariffs with America.
- He highlighted that the proposals were seen to be taxing land owners who were asset rich and that there might be a more appropriate way forward if the government were to look at the proposals in greater detail.
Councillor Milton spoke in support of Councillor Bulled’s motion.
He highlighted the following points:
· The government would not address the problem of corporate inflation in land.
· In reality there was a problem that the government needed to address appropriately and carefully.
· There was a requirement for the Council to take a more realistic, appropriate and proportionate approach towards the financial deficit.
It was moved by Councillor Bulled and seconded by Councillor Crabb “that
the notice of motion be approved”.
An amendment was moved by Councillor P. Leaver and seconded by Councillor Hunt subject to the inclusion of an additional point being added to the letter “That the work that North Devon Council and its officers were already doing to support the local farming community in North Devon and to continue to explore opportunities to help maintain a viable sustainable farming community in North Devon be commended”.
Council Bulled advised that she was happy to take on board the amended motion with the suggested inclusion by Councillor P. Leaver as detailed above.
The motion was carried with one Councillor voting against the motion.
(a) This Council resolves to:
a. Write a letter to the Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves and the Secretary of State for DEFRA Steve Reed to include the following:
i. To commend the work that North Devon Council and its officers were already doing to support the local farming community in North Devon and to continue to explore opportunities to help maintain a viable sustainable farming community in North Devon.
ii. To oppose the Labour Government’s changes to inheritance tax affecting family farms.
iii. To advocate for the exemption of family farms to preserve the UK's food security, rural communities, and environmental initiatives.
iv. That all North Devon Council Group Leaders be requested to sign the letter to show their support for local farmers.
v. To state that the Council stood with North Devon and all Britain’s family farms, to support their rural communities, and to protect the environment by formally rejecting the proposed “family farm tax.”
vi. If the Government wish to continue to make changes to inheritance tax that full consultation should take place with the farming sector prior to any decisions being taken.