Declarations of interest for agenda item 'To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution'
Councillor David Worden - Transparency reasons - As he would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor Glyn Lane - Transparency reasons - As he would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor Graham Bell - Transparency reasons - As his mother, father and mother-in-law would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor John Patrinos - Transparency reasons - As he and his wife would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor Joy Cann - Transparency reasons - As she and a close relative living in North Devon Council area would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor Julie Hunt - Transparency reasons - As her husband would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor June Williams - Transparency reasons - As she and her husband would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor Liz Bulled - Transparency reasons - As her husband would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments
Councillor Malcolm Prowse - Transparency reasons - As he would be eligible to receive winter fuel payments