Issue details

New Civica Financials User Interface

The Council is currently in a contract with Civica Financials for our core financial system i.e. general ledger, creditors and debtors. Most users are currently on the rich-client version of the system which is no longer being supported. The new user interface is more user friendly and better to roll out to staff due to new functionality compared to the existing web version.
A recent demonstration of the UI system received positive feedback from financial staff members.
This decision to upgrade to UI would also extend the current support for rich-client during the project implementation period

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/09/2021

Decision due: 21 Sep 2021 by Director of Resources/Deputy Chief Executive

Contact: Jon Triggs, Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive 01271 388875 Email:
