Issue details

ENF 11204; Alleged non compliance with condition 2 of planning permission 28131 - permanent residential occupation of a holiday chalet at 15 Europa Park, Woolacombe Station Road, Woolacombe EX34 7AN

The land is located outside the development boundary on an established holiday park where, given its economic contribution to the area, development for holiday purposes and acnillary to that has been supported.
In terms of of the permanent occupation of the units, the site is outside the development boundary for Woolacombe within the countryside and within a protected landscape where the local plan policies (emerging and existing) and the NPPF strictly control new residential uses that to which is required for a rural worker close to their place of work or where conversions are involved where it improves the immediate setting or conseves a heritage asset.
Neither would apply in this case, given it is an existing holiday chalet. the accommodation is not required for a rural worker with demonstrable functional requirement to live at the site and no conversion works have taken place. In addition, the use as a permanent residential unit would have economic implications in removing tourist spend from potential holiday occupancy.
As such the occupation of the unit as a permanent residential unit would be contrary to policies HSG9, ECN9, ECN12 and ENV1 of the NDLP, emerging policies DM18 and DM28 of the NDTLP and the requirements of paragraph 55 of the NPPF.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/12/2020

Decision due: 9 May 2019 by Head of Place

Contact: Michael Tichford, Head of Place Email:
