Issue details

ENF 10884: Alleged Unauthorised development - creation of a dwelling and unauthorised change of use - storage of a caravan and non-agricultural items at Land lying west of West Ashridge Ashridge Eastleigh Bideford Devon EX39 4PG

The creation of residential accommodation in the open countryside would not be justified. Policy ST07 of the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan (NDTLP) seeks to restrict new development in the countryside to that which requires a rural location and provides for social or economic needs. This policy is further supported by DM28 of the NDTLP relating to rural workers dwellings and paragraph 79 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
In this case, none of the exceptions referred to in policies ST07, DM28 or paragraph 79 would apply as there is no exceptional need for occupants to reside in the open countryside and there are no agricultural operations on site associated with the occupants. Residential occupancy of the land is not necessary in this location.
The existing building comprises of timber stables, which has been part converted with timber cladding and domestic style door and windows, domesticating the stable. By virtue of the incongruous materials and design form, the development is not acceptable either in terms of design of a residential unit or for a stable block. In terms of the design, the materials and fenestration are contrary to design policies ST07, ST04 and DM04 of the NDTLP.
The caravan is not required for any lawful purpose and therefore its storage on the land is contrary to policies ST07, DM28 of the NDTLP and paragraph 79 of the NPPF.
There is a proliferation of non-agricultural items and paraphernalia on the agricultural land, which have no functional necessity to be stored there. The scale of such storage is detrimental to the undeveloped character of this part of the open countryside and is contrary to policies ST04, ST14, DM04, DM08A of the NDTLP and part 12 of the NPPF.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/11/2020

Decision due: 18 Aug 2020 by Head of Place

Contact: Michael Tichford, Head of Place Email:
