Issue history
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy - The Institute of Licensing 'Guidance on Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees in the Hackney and Private Hire Trade'
- 08/10/2019 - Agenda item, Licensing and Community Safety Committee Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy - The Institute of Licensing 'Guidance on Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees in the Hackney and Private Hire Trade' 08/10/2019
- 10/10/2019 - Published decision: Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy - The Institute of Licensing 'Guidance on Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees in the Hackney and Private Hire Trade'
- 04/11/2019 - Agenda item scheduled, Strategy and Resources Committee
- 20/11/2019 - Agenda item scheduled, Council