
Issue - decisions

Afghan Locally Employed Staff (LES) Relocation Scheme

13/07/2021 - Afghan Locally Employed Staff (LES) Relocation Scheme

The Committee considered a report by the Head of Environmental Health and Housing (circulated previously) regarding the Afghan Locally Employed Staff (LES) Relocation Scheme.


The Head of Environmental Health and Housing highlighted the following:


·       The Government had now offered participating Local Authorities a more generous offer to support individuals.  The council would now receive £10,500 per person and £850 per adult to improve English language skills.

·       It was recommended that 2 households could be relocated to North Devon. This was based on the supply of available accommodation at this current time due to the holiday season.

·       The Home Office had booked large hotels in the Midlands area for families to stay prior to being moved into accommodation. 


The Chief Executive advised that Council’s position in supporting additional households could be kept under review.




(a) the Home Office be advised of the Council’s willingness to participate in the relocation scheme.


(b) delegated authority be given to the Head of Environmental Health and Housing to relocate up to 2 households in north Devon, subject to:


(i) The Head of Resources’ agreement on the acceptability of the level of financial risk; and


(ii) There being robust arrangements in place to provide support for the families’ wellbeing and integration over the short and medium term.


(c) the position be reviewed in 3 months time and a further report be presented to the Committee.