
Issue - decisions

Scheme of Members Allowances 2021/22

11/05/2021 - Scheme of Members Allowances 2021/22

Council considered a report by the Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding the Scheme of Members Allowances for 2021/22.


The Chief Executive outlined the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel which recommended an increase in the Basic Allowance in line with pay award for staff.  The Panel had also been requested to consider and make a recommendation regarding the use of electric vehicles and had recommended that mileage rates for full electric cars should be made in line with the HMRC Advisory rate.  To reflect that the Council was unable to hold an Annual Council meeting in 2020, an additional recommendation had been included recommending that the uplifting of allowances be backdated to the 2020/21 financial year.


It was moved by Councillor Bushell and seconded by Councillor Davies “that the recommendations be adopted subject to the consideration of the mileage payments for fully electric cars being referred to the Policy Development Committee”.


The Chief Executive advised that in relation to mileage payments for electric cars the Independent Remuneration Panel stated within its report (Appendix A) that “the Panel would like to undertake more detailed work into electric cars at the next full Review when it hoped more evidence might be found from other Council schemes, as there is very little evidence of anything other than the use of HMRC rates”.  The Council have to have regard to the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel when considering setting the scheme of members allowances.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Lane and seconded by Councillor Luggar “that the recommendations be adopted subject to the mileage payments for fully electric cars be 45p per mile in line with petrol and diesel vehicles.”


The Head of Resources advised that the payment of tax was not required up to 45p per mile for use of vehicles.


The amendment was put to the vote and carried, which then became the substantive motion.




(a) That the Scheme of Members Allowances for 2021/22 as shown in Appendix B and C be adopted subject to the mileage payments for fully electric cars be 45p per mile in line with petrol and diesel vehicles;


(b) That the uplifting of allowances be backdated to the 2020/21 financial year.