Issue - decisions

66934: Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans) 3 (LEMP) and 6 (noise) attached to application 58119 and appeal reference APP/X118/W/15/3081123 to amend the design of BMX layout.

11/09/2019 - 66934: Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans) 3 (LEMP) and 6 (noise) attached to application 58119 and appeal reference APP/X118/W/15/3081123 to amend the design of BMX layout.

The Committee considered a report by the Head of Place (circulated previously – now appended).


Anne Melhuish (objector), Liz Wood (objector) and Vanessa Harrison (applicant) addressed the Committee.


In response to questions, the Lead Planning Officer confirmed that the location of the BMX track was already established in accordance with planning application 58119 whereby permission had been granted.  The application had been refused, but granted on appeal.  The Environment Agency and Devon County Council Flood Authority had been consulted and were satisfied with the drainage proposals and that there was no additional flood risk. The proposals for car parking, remained unchanged from the original application.  The submission of a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) which would provide biodiversity gains was  approved under reference 66349.  Landscaping would be the responsibility of North Devon Council.  There were no conditions imposed to restrict access to the site, however no lighting would be provided therefore usage would be limited to daylight.


In response to questions, the applicant confirmed that consultation had been undertaken prior to submission of the application, whereby over 300 responses had been received and the majority were in support.  Consultation had also been carried out with users regarding the design.


RESOLVED (11 for, 0 against and 1 abstained) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Head of Place.