Issue - decisions

Report by Chief Executive (attached)

15/08/2019 - Report by Chief Executive (attached)

Council considered a report by the Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding the appointment of committees for 2019/20.


The Chief Executive advised that table 2 had been tabled.


The Chief Executive recommended the following:


“(a) that the Council appoints committees and joint committees each with the total number of voting members and group allocations as detailed in table 1 for the 2019/20 municipal year.


(b)  that, as required by section 16(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, Members be appointed to committees and joint committees in accordance with the names notified to the Chief Executive by each of the political groups represented on the Council, to give effect to the approved allocation of seats as determined at (a) above, as set out for the time being in table 2 circulated at the meeting.”


It was moved by Councillor Barker and seconded by Councillor Worden that the recommendations be adopted.




(a) that the Council appoints committees and joint committees each with the total number of voting members and group allocations as detailed in table 1 for the 2019/20 municipal year;


(b) that, as required by section 16(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, Members be appointed to committees and joint committees in accordance with the names notified to the Chief Executive by each of the political groups represented on the Council, to give effect to the approved allocation of seats as determined at (a) above, as set out for the time being in table 2 circulated at the meeting.