Issue - decisions
Review of the Local Plan Review Project Initiation Document (PID)
30/10/2024 - Review of the Local Plan Review Project Initiation Document (PID)
The Planning Manager for Torridge District Council referred Members to the report, the purpose of which was to update the PID following a change in national Government.
Members were advised of the reasons for updating the PID and provided with a summary of the current state of play in relation to planning reforms and the possible implications in terms of the development of the Local Plan.
Members were referred to the Appendix 1, which detailed the current position and the Planning Manager provided a brief update on the position at the time of Committee.
Members were advised of the recommendations within the report and the following discussion took place.
Following a question in relation to whether the HELAA would identify sufficient land for development, the Planning Policy Team Leader advised that discussion had taken place and the option of re-opening up the call for sites should be considered / explored – given that there is the time and scope to do this.
Members asked about Traveller accommodation and officers advised of the current situation and advised that further guidance and clarification was still needed before work could be progressed.
During discussion it was suggested that Members meet to develop a broad outline to consider how the future housing requirements might be best met and an October date was suggested for a Visioning workshop which could feed into an Issues and Options document, whilst the HELAA process carries on.
Following discussion on timescales Councillor Prowse moved the recommendations with the addition of a recommendation for a Member visioning workshop.
It was proposed by Councillor Prowse, seconded by Councillor Hodson and –
Resolved: That Members of the Joint Planning Policy Committee are recommended to:
- Note the updated national plan-making context and associated potential impacts on the preparation of a new local plan for northern Devon;
- Reaffirm the commitment to preparing a new local plan for northern Devon under the proposed new plan-making system; and
- Endorse the revised initial programme of work that is intended to be carried out over the coming months and in advance of the formal commencement of plan-making (Appendix 1).
With the additional recommendation to hold a Member Visioning Workshop to feed into the preparation of an Issues and Options document.