
Issue - decisions

Enforcement Notice for Little Whitstone, South Molton ref 10290

18/06/2024 - Enforcement Notice for Little Whitstone, South Molton ref 10290

Approval to serve Enforcement Notice to remedy the alleged breach of planning control. The breach of planning control alleged that is the siting of a mobile home (shown edged blue on the plan annexed to the Notice) as a permanent dwelling in breach of Condition 03 of planning permission reference 56825, which states,
“(3) The siting of the mobile home hereby permitted, shall be discontinued and the land restored to agricultural use, including removal of the mobile home, on or before 3 years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To enable both the applicant and the Authority to re-assess the need for an agricultural dwelling in relation to operations on the farm holding and maintain long term control over development in the countryside.”