
Issue - decisions

Exceptions to Contract Procedure Rules

21/10/2024 - Exceptions to Contract Procedure Rules

The Senior Solicitor and Monitoring Officer updated the Committee in relation to Exemptions to Contract Procedure Rules made since the date of the previous Governance Committee.


The Committee considered an extract from the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee of 1st July 2024 (circulated previously).  The extract covered a decision in relation to the approval of Section 106 Funds for CCTV at Anchorwood Bank with a connected contract to procure additional CCTV via the Council’s existing contractor in that area as a result of these funds, therefore setting aside requirement to seek quotes in the Contract Procedure Rules.


The Senior Solicitor and Monitoring Officer advised that the decision had met the criteria to require it to be presented to the Governance Committee because it set aside the requirement to seek quotes as part of a wider decision on the use of Section 106 Funds as, given its value, if the award of the contract were being considered on its own, it would normally have been dealt with at officer delegated authority level.


RESOLVED that the Exemptions to Contract Procedure Rules be noted.