
Issue - decisions

Bartec Tablet Contract

07/09/2023 - Bartec Tablet Contract

The proposed cost for the above will be £36,344.00, which can be met from within the existing budget. The old in-cab Bartec units are now out of date and unsupported, the maps are low grade and the units brake down frequently.
The new units are in Tablet form and have much better mapping, can be used to take photo’s of issues on the round and are more reliable.
We need 56 Tablets to ensure we have sufficient for each collection vehicle in fleet.
Existing annual costs include support, to cover the units, weighbridge transfers, Collective hosting and mobile phone data plans.
I can confirm that I have sought advice from Legal Services and we have agreed that it is appropriate that this requirement be waived for the following reason(s):
We are still in contract with Bartec (our in cab technology supplier) and intending to appoint them again (through a framework) in September when the existing contract expires. If we were to order the tablets separately from Bartec, we would then need to pay Bartec to load the maps onto the units and Bartec would not be able to guarantee them and provide the necessary support package. We are therefore in a position where only one supplier (Bartec) can provide the equipment we need.