
Issue - decisions

Refugee Support Contract

14/09/2023 - Refugee Support Contract

The Committee considered a report by the Service Manager – Housing (circulated previously) regarding the Refugee Support Contract.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive highlighted the following:


·       The Homes for Ukraine scheme had introduced 12 months ago. The Council had engaged with Pickwell Foundation to provide support to refugees and had been significantly valuable in rehousing refugees successfully. They also re-matched those households requiring alternative accommodation.

·       The 12 month contract with Pickwell Foundation was due to end shortly.  The options were for Pickwell Foundation to continue to provide this service on behalf of the Council or look for an alternative service provider.  It was recommended that Pickwell Foundation continue to provide this service.  Grant funding was in place for this service.

·       Last year, the Council had received £6,000 per refugee for this scheme of which £1,500 per refugee had been allocated to Pickwell Foundation for the service.

·       The Council have agreed to 12 units of family accommodation for those under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) scheme at RMB Chivenor.


RESOLVED that the Head of Planning, Housing and Health be authorised in consultation with Senior Solicitor and Monitoring Officer, to make any necessary amendments to the Grant Agreement for provision of support to Ukraine Refugee’s dated the 17 May 2022 with the Pickwell Foundation to account for the Homes for Ukraine scheme and the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) scheme.