Issue - decisions
NMD Building Control
24/01/2023 - NMD Building Control
The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning, Housing and Health (circulated previously) regarding NMD Building Control fees.
The Head of Planning, Housing and Health highlighted the following:
· The NMD Building Control service was facing a challenging time following the departure of a number of employees since September 2022.
· The current salary levels and benefits package was considered to be a contributing factor in the service’s inability to retain and attract staff. The private sector offered very attractive financial packages.
· Current surveyor salaries need to be enhanced to be competitive with the private sector.
· A market supplement of 10% of basic for the surveyor positions could be accommodated by an 8% increase in fees to make the positions more attractive in the market place.
In response to questions, the Head of Planning, Housing and Health advised the following:
· Officers had carried out analysis of the private sector building control fees.
· Elements of the Building Control service was a statutory function and there were aspects that could only be delivered by a Local Authority.
Councillors Lane and Prowse declared non-registerable interests as they used the NMD Building Control service as part of his work.
RECOMMENDED that Building Control fees be increased by 8% with immediate effect, subject to there being no adverse representations received following the notice of intention to make this change.