Agenda and draft minutes > Committee attendance

Committee attendance

Council, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Pat Barker 1
Councillor David Worden 4
Councillor Jeremy Yabsley 4
Councillor Frank Biederman 3
Councillor Malcolm Wilkinson 4
Councillor Joy Cann 4
Councillor Jim Campbell 1
Councillor Jasmine Chesters 3
Councillor Paul Crabb 3
Councillor Andrea Davis 3
Councillor Julie Hunt 4
Councillor Glyn Lane 4
Councillor Eric Ley 4
Councillor Caroline Leaver 3
Councillor David Luggar 3
Councillor Jayne Mackie 4
Councillor John Patrinos 2
Councillor Malcolm Prowse 3
Councillor Ian Roome 4
Councillor Paul Henderson 4
Councillor Netti Pearson 2
Councillor Mel Lovering 4
Councillor Robbie Mack 4
Councillor Louisa York 4
Councillor Jeremy Phillips 2
Councillor Matthew Bushell 2
Councillor Liz Spear 4
Councillor Liz Bulled 2
Councillor David Knight 2
Councillor Ray Jenkins 3
Councillor Graham Lofthouse 4
Councillor Helen Walker 4
Councillor Will Topps 3
Councillor Kevin Davies 4
Councillor Nicola Topham 4
Councillor Selaine Saxby 3
Councillor Daniel Turton 3
Councillor Jo Orange 3
Governance Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Jim Campbell 0
Councillor David Luggar 1
Councillor Ian Roome 1
Councillor Paul Henderson 0
Councillor Jeremy Phillips 1
Councillor Matthew Bushell 0
Councillor Ray Jenkins 1
Councillor Helen Walker 1
Councillor Will Topps 1
Councillor Daniel Turton 0
Harbour Board, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Malcolm Wilkinson 0
Councillor Jim Campbell 1
Councillor Daniel Turton 2
Licensing and Community Safety Committee, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jeremy Yabsley 1
Councillor Frank Biederman 5
Councillor Joy Cann 5
Councillor Jim Campbell 3
Councillor Jasmine Chesters 3
Councillor Julie Hunt 4
Councillor Paul Henderson 4
Councillor Netti Pearson 6
Councillor Louisa York 7
Councillor Liz Spear 7
Councillor Liz Bulled 5
Councillor Jo Orange 1
Licensing and Community Safety Sub Committee B, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Jeremy Yabsley 1
Councillor Louisa York 1
Licensing and Community Safety Sub Committee C, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Jim Campbell 1
Councillor Liz Spear 1
Licensing and Community Safety Sub Committee D, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Frank Biederman 1
Councillor Netti Pearson 1
Policy Development Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jim Campbell 1
Councillor Julie Hunt 1
Councillor David Luggar 0
Councillor Jayne Mackie 3
Councillor Ian Roome 1
Councillor Netti Pearson 1
Councillor Louisa York 3
Councillor Liz Bulled 2
Councillor Ray Jenkins 2
Councillor Helen Walker 3