Agenda item

Agenda item

The Lynton Complex

Report by the Estates Officer (attached).


The Executive considered a report by the Estates Officer (circulated previously), the options and/or alternatives and other relevant facts set out in the report regarding the Lynton Complex.


The Estates Officer highlighted the following:


·         The Lynton Community Development Trust was aware that the report was being considered at this meeting and contained confidential information.

·         Opportunity for the Council to consider a potential joint venture development in Lynton to enable a community-led affordable housing scheme by Lynton Community Development Trust to meet some of the local housing need identified by a recent housing needs survey in the parish.

·         Potential sites available in Lynton.


In response to questions, the Estates Officer advised:


·         Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council had been consulted by Lynton Community Development Trust.

·         There was a need to achieve best value for the Council.

·         Clarification would be sought regarding the funding awarded by national organisations.


In response to questions, the Housing Services Manager advised:


·         The Council had been awarded £667,869 sum from the Department for Communities and Local Government which had been placed into the Community Housing Fund earmarked reserve.  The purpose of the fund was for the Council to support community-led housing development. Lynton and Lynmouth had been identified as a community to be supported by the Community Housing Fund and they have formed the Trust with a commitment to deliver a housing scheme and have already made progress leading to the report presented to the Executive.


In response to questions, the Head of Resources advised:


·         Officers would investigate all the issues raised by the Executive which would include access arrangements and report back on the viability of

the scheme.





That officers be supported in ongoing consultations with the Trust and their advisers on the potential release of value from this asset to provide for reconfiguration and redevelopment to include the re-provision of existing facilities;



That officers be given leave to progress the preparations and structure of draft heads of terms/an agreement with the Trust, with the intention to develop a viable scheme for the entire asset.





To allocate the Community Housing Fund to achieve its stated aims “to enable capital investment, technical support and revenue to be provided to make more schemes viable and significantly increase community groups’ current delivery pipelines”.



Thereby the viability of a potential scheme would be fully investigated and funded within the framework and structure set out in the proposed heads of terms. With limited financial implications on NDC for these costs.



To invest in communities and increase rural affordable housing stock, held truly in perpetuity for local people.



By using the entirety of the site area we can aim to accommodate the development of a viable residential scheme, which may include open market housing as well as local needs dwellings, as well as providing more appropriate facilities for the existing tenants and wider community.



That NDC Estates officers and Environmental Health and Housing work jointly in this project with the Trust.



To potentially gain a capital receipt and improve the property asset.