Agenda item

Agenda item

Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit report - Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours

Report by Health and Safety Manager (attached)


The Board noted the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit report – Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours (circulated previously).


The Designated Person confirmed that the Marine Safety Management system was working effectively, ensuring compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code.


The Designated Person gave the Board the following summary:

·       The audit of both Harbours was carried out on 13 July 2021 with the Harbour Master, Senior Engineer, Health and Safety Advisor and Designated Person in attendance.  In addition the Town Clerk for Lynton and Lynmouth was in attendance for the Lynmouth audit.


Ilfracombe – actions completed


·       An unannounced inspection of the relocated lower leading light was carried out by Trinity House, under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Section 198(1) found everything to be in order

·        New composite handrails had now been installed on the inner and outer steps of Old Quay Head

·       The new CCTV and Tannoy system had been installed on the Harbour which was working very well

·       A new lamp post had been installed on the Second Landing which had a removable top part to allow boats to be lifted in and out without damage being sustained to the lamp post or boats


Ilfracombe – risk management


·       An internal audit of the following topics was carried out this quarter:

(i)              Marine Safety Management System – found no non-conformities

(ii)             Aids to navigation – found no non-conformities

(iii)           Wrecks – found no non-conformities

·       The bulge in the wall and the missing pointing at Stone Bench had not worsened.  Monitoring would continue

·       A new composite hand rail was planned to be fitted to steps on the end of Old Quay Head after Boats Out this year

·       The installation of two new electrical conduits on Old Quay Head was still outstanding

·       A damaged fender on the Cove was noted, work would be needed on realigning the back plate, the fender was not unsafe to use

·       Top rails along the wall on Quay road were to be removed and mooring rings to be installed for visiting boats to use

·       A proposal to remove benches and level up the wall along Quay Road was to go out to consultation

·       Removal of a waste storage bin due to a missing lid and missed Trade waste collections was noted

·       The Harbour Master and Deputy Harbour Master were dealing with increased numbers of health and safety issues involving dangerous activities with the harbour, such as climbing the statue Verity and jumping off landings into the Harbour


Lynmouth – actions completed


·       A survey of the Causeway had been completed but due to the Contractor’s survey vessel sinking the data had yet to be retrieved

·       Quotes had been obtained for the new pole to the Aid to Navigation light on the sea end of the Harbour Arm.  The price of a composite pole looked to be more favourable than that of the Steel Carbon pole


Lynmouth – risk management


·       An internal audit of the following topics was carried out this quarter:

(i)    Marine Safety Management System – found some minor non-conformities

(ii)   Aids to Navigation – found no non-conformities

(iii) Wrecks – found no non-conformities

·       It should be noted that due to the current status of Lynmouth Harbour with no statutory responsibilities, powers or limits of jurisdiction most of the audit matters do not apply

·       Remedial works to the lower steps (opposite The Rising Sun pub) off the slipway down to the harbour were still pending.  It was hoped this work would be completed at the end of the summer before the winter months

·       Remedial works to the quoins along the tope edge of the slipway wall were still pending, and it was noted their condition had not worsened

·       The worn white lines at the top of the slipway still required painting

·       The railings on the May Bridge, just beyond the Harbour jurisdiction were badly corroded and in a poor state of repair.  Although Devon County Council had undertaken a survey of this and other footbridges across the river in 2020 repair works were still outstanding.  Representations regarding the health and safety concerns of the state of repair of this bridge had been made to Devon County Council by the Health and Safety Advisor.


Supporting documents: