Agenda item

Agenda item

Report of meeting of the Executive

To receive the report of the meeting of the Executive held on 4th February 2019 (attached).


Councillor Brailey reported the recommendations of the Executive on the Revenue Budget 2019/20, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-2023 (circulated previously).


Council noted that in accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 which came into force on 25th February 2014 and that the Constitution, Council was required to take a recorded vote when setting its budget and Council Tax.


It was moved by Councillor Patrinos and seconded by Councillor Edmunds “that the recommendation in minutes 103 (f), (g), (h) and (i) of the meeting of the Executive held on 4th February 2019 in relation to the Revenue Budget 2019/20, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-2023 be adopted subject to the strategic grants awarded to the AONB, Biosphere and Northern Devon Voluntary Service being reduced by 8% and that the savings of £3970 achieved be awarded to the Citizens Advice Bureau.”


An amendment was moved by Councillor Brailey and seconded by Councillor Flynn “that the recommendation in minutes 103 (f), (g), (h) and (i) of the meeting of the Executive held on 4th February 2019 in relation to the Revenue Budget 2019/20, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-2023 be adopted.”


Voting on the amendment


Voting for the amendment:


Councillor Barker, Bonds, Bradford, Brailey, J. Cann, R. Cann, Chesters, Crabb, Croft, Davis, Edgell, Flynn, Jones, Lane, Leaver, Ley, Lovering, Luggar, Mathews, Meadlarkin, Moore, Moores, Spear and Yabsley.


Voting against the motion:


Councillors Biederman, Campbell, Edmunds, Fowler, Gubb, Haywood, Hunt, Mackie, Patrinos, Prowse, Tucker, Webber, White, Wilkinson and Worden.


Abstained from voting:




Totals: 24 For, 15 Against and 0 Abstained.


The amendment was therefore carried and became the substantive motion.


A further amendment was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Chesters “that the recommendation in minutes 103 (f), (g), (h) and (i) of the meeting of the Executive held on 4th February 2019 in relation to the Revenue Budget 2019/20, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-2023 be adopted subject to a 50% strategic grant (£8,835) being awarded to the South Molton Swimming Pool and that it being funded from the New Homes Bonus reserve”.


Voting on the amendment:


Voting for the amendment:


Councillors Biederman, Bradford, J. Cann, Fowler, Haywood, Hunt, Leaver, Mackie, Moore, Prowse, Spear, Tucker, Webber, White, Wilkinson and Worden.


Voting against the amendment:


Councillors Barker, Bonds, Brailey, Campbell, R. Cann, Chesters, Crabb, Croft, Davis, Edgell, Edmunds, Flynn, Gubb, Jones, Lane, Lovering, Luggar, Mathews, Meadlarkin, Moores, Patrinos and Yabsley.


Abstained from voting:


Councillor Ley.


Totals: 16 For, 22 Against and 1 Abstained.


The amendment was therefore lost.


A further amendment was moved by Councillor Biederman and seconded by Councillor Prowse “that  the recommendation in minutes 103 (f), (g), (h) and (i) of the meeting of the Executive held on 4th February 2019 in relation to the Revenue Budget 2019/20, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-2023 be adopted subject to the increase in level of Council Tax charged by North Devon Council for 2019/20 being reduced to 1.99 % (cost £60,000) and a strategic grant of 50% (£8,835) being awarded to South Molton Swimming Pool to be funded from the New Homes Bonus reserve.”


Voting on the amendment


Voting for the amendment:


Councillors Biederman, Bradford, J. Cann, Fowler, Patrinos, Prowse, Tucker, Webber, Wilkinson and Worden.


Voting against the amendment:


Councillors Barker, Bonds, Brailey, R. Cann, Chesters, Crabb, Croft, Davis, Edgell, Flynn, Jones, Lane, Ley, Lovering, Luggar, Mackie, Mathews, Meadlarkin, Moore, Moores and Yabsley.

Abstained from voting:

Councillors Campbell, Edmunds, Gubb, Haywood, Hunt, Leaver, Spear and White.


Totals: 10 For, 21 Against and 8 Abstained.


Therefore, the amendment was lost.


The substantive motion was put to the vote.


Voting on the substantive motion


Voting for the motion:


Councillors Barker, Bonds, Brailey, R. Cann, Chesters, Crabb, Croft, Davis, Edgell, Flynn, Jones, Lane, Ley, Lovering, Luggar, Mackie, Mathews, Meadlarkin, Moore, Moores, Patrinos and Yabsley.


Voting against the motion:

Councillors Biederman, Bradford, J. Cann, Fowler, Haywood, Hunt, Leaver, Prowse, Tucker, Webber and Wilkinson.

Abstained from voting on the motion:

Councillors Campbell, Edmunds, Gubb, Spear, White and Worden.


Totals: 22 For, 11 Against and 6 Abstained.


The substantive motion was carried.


RESOLVED that the recommendation in minutes 103 (f), (g), (h) and (i) of the meeting of the Executive held on 4th February 2019 in relation to the Revenue Budget 2019/20, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-2023 be adopted.




Supporting documents: