Agenda item

Agenda item

71537: Phase A: Reserved matters application for erection of 347 dwellings and erection of community building together with associated works (outline planning permission 56675 as amended by 70654) (amended plans and documents), Land east of Old Barnstaple Road, Ilfracombe, Devon

Report by Lead Officer (North) (attached)



The Committee considered a report by the Lead Planning Officer (North) (circulated previously).

The Lead Planning Officer (North) advised the following:


·         In December 2019, North Devon Council had entered into a funding agreement with Homes England to forward fund roads, drainage, a community building, a Mixed Use Games Area and a serviced primary school site.   The HIF funding loan commitment amounted to £6.5m and was in two tranches.  The first milestone as part of the funding agreement was to secure reserved matters approval for the scheme.  The deadline for this milestone had already been extended twice and the deadline had been extended to 31 May 2021 and therefore there was a need to determine this application prior to the deadline.

·         An update was provided following the decision made by the Committee on 10 March 2021 to defer the application as detailed on pages 70 to 75 and the amendments that had been made to the scheme.

·         The pedestrian link through the Tesco site was not part of this application however it could be considered as part of the reserved matter application for the mixed used area.

·         A formal consultation response had not been received from Devon County Council Local Highway Authority athough an informal response had been received.  A representative from the Highways Authority had been invited to attend the Committee meeting but was not present.  The Highways Officer had confirmed that funding was still required for the Two Potts junction.

·         A formal consultation response had not been received from Devon County Council Lead Local Flood Authority despite being reminded to provide a formal response although an informal response had been received.

·         A formal consultation response had been received from the Arboriculturalist.  An updated Biodiversity Management Plan had now been received.

·         The Housing Enabling Officer had requested the provision of wheelchair accessible dwellings.  The applicant had confirmed that two wheelchair accessible dwellings would be provided as part of the first phase.

·         The Parks, Leisure and Culture Officer and Sport England had been re-consulted in respect of the proposed changing facilities within the Community Building.  The applicant had submitted amended drawings which included the provision of four lockable storage areas.


Councillor Terry Elliot (Ilfracombe Town Council) and Graham Parkhouse (objector) addressed the Committee. 


The Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer read responses received by Mike Nixon and Carol Corp (objectors), Richard Spear (objector) and Nicole Stacey (agent) to the Committee. 


Councillor Pearson (Ward Member) addressed the Committee.


In response to questions by the Committee, the Lead Planning Officer (North) advised the following:


·         The provision of 11% affordable housing had been set at the time that the outline planning permission was approved which had been based on the viability assessment undertaken at that time.  The clause in Schedule 2 of the section 106 agreement (page 166) allowed for the level of affordable housing to be reviewed. He read the paragraph to the Committee.  This could be reviewed soon and the applicant could be requested to undertake this review.  The review might result in the percentage of affordable housing provided either increasing or decreasing.

·         There was considered to be no impacts on the living conditions of Mike Nixon and Carol Corp.

·         Contributions for the cemetery would be sought as part of schedule 8 of the section 106 agreement as detailed on page 176.

·         The connectivity between the properties with the town would be considered as part of the reserved matters application for the mixed use hub area.

·         The applicant was actively in discussions with interested parties regarding development of the mixed use hub.

·         The provision of affordable housing would be integrated within the phases of development.

·         The applicant had provided information in the summary document presented to Ilfracombe Town Council regarding the use of natural materials.  It would not be all natural materials.  A condition had been included regarding the materials.


In response to a question, the Chief Executive advised that the professional officers were satisfied with the advice provided by Plymouth City Council on the viability of schemes, however the Council could consider alternatives in the future.  The 11% provision of affordable housing had been approved as part of the outline planning permission.


The Lead Planning Officer (North) confirmed that the viability assessment had not been undertaken by Plymouth City Council for this application.


Councillor Fowler (in his capacity as Ward Member) addressed the Committee.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the Chief Executive be delegated authority to approve the application as recommended by the Lead Planning Officer (North) subject to further discussions taking place with the developer following the issue of planning consent regarding the review of affordable housing and connectivity to the town.

Supporting documents: