Agenda item

Agenda item

To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution

(a) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Lovering:


“The equality act 2010 says that it is discrimination to treat a woman unfavourably because she is breast feeding. Breast feeding is legal in public places such as parks, sports and leisure facilities, public buildings, theatres, cinemas, and public transport.  While recognising that not all mums can breast feed, breastfeeding is the most natural way of understanding and satisfying a baby’s needs. The advantages of breast feeding for mother and baby are officially recognised by health care organisation all over the world. Breastfeeding can reduce the incidence of many infant illness and chronic diseases, so it eases the needed for health care. UNICEF and WHO (The World Health Organisation) recommend exclusive breast feeding from birth to until 6 months old.

North Devon Council has declared a climate emergency and to cut plastic waste. Breast feeding will cut down the need for plastic bottles, teats, and formula packaging. Depletion and destruction of natural resources and emission of major greenhouse gases are at their highest levels for at least the last 800 000 years. We need to protect our planet and our own health by using resources such as land, water and energy sources responsibly, conserving biodiversity and consuming with care. Feeding with breastmilk substitutes from farm-to-table affects the environment and climate due to its production, packaging, distribution and preparation methods. Millions of tonnes of metal formula cans end up in landfills every year, degrading the environment. Most formula powders need to be mixed with boiled water or heated and is expensive. Breast milk needs no plastic, no preparation and is free. Breast milk changes as a baby ages so a baby gets the nutrition it needs. Amazingly the composition of breast milk changes when a baby is ill, the levels of immunity-boosting cells rise rapidly when a baby is unwell.

Our towns can often seem like uncomfortable and uninviting places to breastfeed.

Breast feeding women are still facing an everyday battle because others around them feel uncomfortable. If a woman feels unsafe or fears disapproval when breastfeeding she is likely to stop breast feeding, resort to formula feeds or find a safe place. Women have resorted for many years to breast feeding in public toilets which is uncomfortable and unhygienic for mother and baby.

We need to learn how to react and respect this very natural process and lead the way to welcoming breastfeeding into society. If the District council promotes breast feeding as welcome within the towns and villages it will promote women to feel safe.  By promoting breast feeding it will help others to realize that breast feeding is a normal everyday activity mums need to do.


This council resolves to :

1)    Provide comms to let the public know that breast feeding is welcome within NDC’s public buildings and parks.

2)    Display signage within all their public buildings like the libraries, museums, leisure centres and parks saying that breast feeding is allowed.

3)    Promote and help commercial premises to be breast feeding friendly places e.g. cafes and restaurants by supplying a downloadable poster for North Devon.”


(a) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Lovering


Councillor Lovering presented her notice of motion to Council.


It was moved by Councillor Lovering and seconded by Councillor Leaver that “the Council:


1)    Provide comms to let the public know that breast feeding is welcome within NDC’s public buildings and parks.

2)    Display signage within all their public buildings like the libraries, museums, leisure centres and parks saying that breast feeding is allowed.

3)    Promote and help commercial premises to be breast feeding friendly places e.g. cafes and restaurants by supplying a downloadable poster for North Devon.”


The Chief Executive advised that in relation to number 2 in the motion, that libraries are the responsibility of Devon County Council, and the leisure centre was leased to a third party contractor so these examples of public buildings were not all in the Council’s control and suggested that it be amended to read “Display signage within all their public buildings saying that breast feeding is allowed”.


Councillors Lovering and Leaver took the amendment suggested by the Chief Executive on board in the motion.


RESOLVED that the Council:


(a)    Provide comms to let the public know that breast feeding is welcome within NDC’s public buildings and parks.


(b)    Display signage within all their public buildings saying that breast feeding is allowed.


(c)    Promote and help commercial premises to be breast feeding friendly places e.g. cafes and restaurants by supplying a downloadable poster for North Devon.