Agenda item

Agenda item

71532: Reserved Matters Application for use of land for Outdoor Sports Provision (Use Class D2) (outline planning permission 62544) (amended plans and documents), land east of Old Barnstaple Road, Ilfracombe, Devon

Report by Lead Planning Officer (North) (attached)


The Committee considered a report by the Lead Planning Officer (North) (circulated previously).


The Lead Planning Officer (North) addressed the Committee and advised;


·         The Open Space Officer had raised a number of issues with the application. The plans had now been amended to address the concerns raised.

·         The plans had been amended to include new drainage proposals which the developer had initially thought were not required.  The drainage plan had been included but the Devon County Council Local Flood Authority had not yet responded to the plans.

·         Three storage containers had now been added to the scheme. These would be partially hidden by screening/native planting on three sides.

·         The changing facilities had been amended. These were outlined to the Committee as part of planning application 71537.

·         The discharge of planning condition 9 relating to management and maintenance was not part of this application and would have to be complied with separately, providing opportunity for further discussion on management issues before development takes place.

·         The MUGA (Multi-use Games Area) on the plateau was an off-the-shelf provision which included the fencing.

·         A response was awaited from the Arboriculturalist.

·         A lighting scheme had not been proposed originally but any future proposal would be controlled by condition.

·         Natural England had no objections to the scheme.


Councillor Crabb declared a personal interest as President of the Ilfracombe Rotary Club.


The Corporate and Community Services Officer read statements from Richard Spear (objector), Mike Nixon and Carol Corp (objectors) and Mike Edmunds (objector) to the Committee.


Councillor Pearson addressed the Committee as the Ward Member for the neighbouring ward.


Richard Hopson (Ilfracombe Youth Football Club Secretary) and Clem Bennellick (Manager of Ilfracombe Football Club first team) addressed the Committee.


Councillor Campbell addressed the Committee as the Ward Member.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Lead Planning Officer (North) confirmed that:


·         The site had planning permission and was included as an allocation in the Local Plan.

·         There were two multipurpose pitches, within a five hectare area of land with the opportunity to provide additional pitches in future. It would not be an ‘all weather’ surface. The pitches would be turfed.

·         The MUGA would have a tarmac surface.

·         The applicant was in discussion with the Football and Rugby Clubs as to their requirements for changing facilities etc. There was a condition to be discharged to set up the organisation of the future running of the new facilities and that it would need to be maintained by both clubs.


Councillor Crabb addressed the Committee as Ward Member. In response to further questions from the Committee, the Lead Planning Officer (North) confirmed that:


·         There were no plans to create an ‘all weather’ surface pitch. There would be a cost implication in doing so.  The clubs involved had not felt the pitch was needed to be all-weather and had appeared happy with turf.  The two turf pitches were located on the western edge of the site and the MUGA and community facilities would be located between the pitches.  Sport England and the Parks, Leisure and Cultural Officer were both satisfied with the proposed turfed pitches.

·         The Parks, Leisure and Cultural Officer consulted directly with the football and rugby clubs.

·         The Open Space Officer had been involved in discussions and negotiations on the scheme.

·         Amended plans had been received and consultation responses from the Devon County Council Lead Local Flood Authority, Arboriculturalist and Parks, Leisure and Culture Officer were awaited.

·         Sport England had issues in relation to the building and changing facilities, plus a mention of drainage. They had concerns over the management however this was not a concern to resolve with this application.


RESOLVED, that it being 1.00 pm the meeting continue in order for the remaining business to be transacted.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be DEFERRED for a maximum of two cycles pending;


(a) the receipt of the consultation responses from the Devon County Council Lead Flood Authority, Arboriculturalist Officer and Parks, Leisure and Culture Officer, and

(b) to address the issues of the future management of the facility; and

(c) to allow negotiations to take place with the applicant in relation to the surface and costings for the MUGA.


Supporting documents: