Agenda item

Agenda item

71537: Phase A: Reserved Matters Application for Erection of 347 Dwellings and Erection of Community Building Together With Associated Works (outline planning permission 56675 as amended by 70654) (amended plans and documents), land east of Old Barnstaple Road, Ilfracombe, Devon

Report by Lead Planning Officer (North) (attached)


The Committee considered a report by the Lead Planning Officer (North) (circulated previously).


The Lead Planning Officer (North) addressed the Committee and advised;


·         The application was for the reserved matters for the erection of 347 dwellings. This was phase A of the development for which outline planning permission had been granted in 2017.  That had included a Section 106 agreement. The development was for part of the southern extension- which in whole ran from the west of Old Barnstaple Road to Worth Meadow in the north.

·         In 2019 the Council had entered into a funding agreement with Homes England for £6.5m. Homes England had approved an extension for the first milestone for the scheme to be approved by 31st March 2021.  The Lead Planning Officer (North) read an email received from the Regeneration Manager following attendance at a recent meeting with  Homes England regarding their timescales for the funding agreement:

I have spoken with HE (Homes England). The key milestone for the HIF (Housing Infrastructure Fund) is delivery of the infrastructure by March 2023. If a deferment of a couple of months meant that the timetable could be squeezed to achieve delivery then that might be ok. A refusal would render this unachievable. HIF would fall away – I am not sure what we do about the 650k already spent”.

·         The application set out how it complied with the Building for a Healthy Life Assessment.

·         The consultation response to the issue of site access had not yet been provided by Devon County Council Highways following the receipt of amended plans.

·         Electric vehicle charging points were situated around the site for public access.

·         The drainage system strategy had been submitted but a response was still required from the Devon County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority.

·         Devon County Council (DCC) had confirmed that the site for the primary school would need to be safeguarded for future delivery.

·         The applicant had instructed a commercial agent in relation to the Mixed Use Hub land.  Details of the siting and design would be subject to reserved matters approval.

·         The location of the affordable housing shown on amended plans had been agreed and accepted by the applicant and Housing Enabling, including the provision of two 2 wheelchair accessible/user dwellings.

·         A response was awaited from the Arboriculturalist in respect of landscaping and biodiversity proposals.

·         The amended plans received had updated the design of the changing facilities in the community building. This building would be dual use. The latest drawings had not yet been viewed by the Parks and Leisure Officer.

·         The Football and Rugby clubs were looking to jointly run the facilities.



The Corporate and Community Services Officer read statements from Nicole Stacey (agent), Graham Parkhouse (objector) and Richard Spear (objector) to the Committee.


Councillor Pearson addressed the Committee as the Ward Member for the neighbouring ward.


Councillor Crabb addressed the Committee in his capacity as Ward Member.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Lead Planning Officer (North) confirmed that:


·         The total number of dwellings on the application were higher than when originally submitted as the application had been amended. There were 347 dwellings on this site, but the total remained at 750 across both the east and west sites together. This would enable lower density on the west site which was adjacent to a wildlife site.

·         The electric charging points would be in public areas, not private property.

·         The Design Review Panel had addressed the issues of the site which included a steeply sloping area and hilltop area. Those dwellings nearest the steep slope to the North were to be terraced, with longer gardens, which would help address this.



The Chief Executive confirmed that Homes England had set out milestones which had to be met.  The first of which was 31st March 2021 by which time the reserve matters should have been agreed. It was possible the date could be moved, although he advised that the final completion date of 31st March 2023 would not be negotiable as it would risk the HIF money (£6.5m) being withdrawn.


In response to further questions from the Committee, the Lead Planning Officer (North) confirmed that:


·         There was a signed Section 106 agreement which included the contribution to the highways works, including proposed works to Lynton Cross and Two Potts junctions, which would be collected by DCC.

·         The Community Building allocation would unlikely become a housing site as it was included in the HIF funding.  This building would be started as part of the first phase.

·         The level of affordable housing was set when the planning permission was granted. It was based on the viability of the whole site. There was however a review mechanism within the section 106 agreement process after a number of houses had been built and Ward Members could be consulted at that time

·         He was unsure of the reasons for the delayed responses from highways and the flood authority. He believed there to be no objections in principle.

·         The landscaping scheme had included provision to retain hedgerows wherever possible.

·         Consultation responses were outstanding from the Local Highway Authority, Lead Local Flood Authority, Arboriculturalist and Housing Enabling the Parks, Leisure and Community Officer.

·         The provision of a medical facility had been included as part of the original planning application.

·         The reserved matters applications did not deal with all conditions of the original planning application, which would be submitted at a later date.

·         The percentage of affordable housing (11%) was to be provided across both sites.


RESOLVED (10 for, 4 against, 0 abstained) that the application be DEFERRED for a maximum of two cycles for the following reasons;

a)    To allow time for the relevant ward Members and officers to meet to consider the scheme, design and materials, and

b)    To allow for the outstanding responses from Devon County Council Highway Authority, Lead Local Flood Authority, Arboriculturalist and Housing Enabling to be received.


Supporting documents: