Agenda item

Agenda item

Braunton BMX.

Report by the Project, Procurement and Open Space Officer (attached).


The Executive considered a report by the Project, Procurement and Open Space Officer (circulated previously), the options and/or alternatives and other relevant facts set out in the report regarding securing a delivery solution for a BMX track at Velator.


The Project, Procurement and Open Space Officer highlighted the following:


·         For a number of years Braunton BMX club had been working to secure a site, planning permission and the relevant funding package to deliver a BMX track in Braunton.  Having previously failed to find a suitable self-contained site, a development at Velator offered the club land for a BMX facility. 

·         Although funding had been secured, in recent months the club had faced a number of challenges in terms of project delivery and as a result had not been in a position to proceed with the project.    With these difficulties identified, the club had now folded but the trustees remained owners of the land at Velator.  The Trustees had written to the Council with a view to transferring the freehold of the identified site at Velator to the Council, at nil cost.  The club trustees had also requested that the Council procure and project manage the construction of this community facility.

·         Following the request from the trustees, Officers wished to establish whether there was still a high demand for the facility and during November and December 2018 undertook a consultation exercise to fully understand the requirement and support for this proposed project.  The consultation response provided overwhelming support for the project.

·         The Council would be responsible for the future maintenance of the facility.  The pump track would have minimal maintenance, and the surrounding landscaping could be added to the grounds maintenance contact with grass cutting, litter picks and safety inspections which could be absorbed within existing budgets.


In response to questions, the Project, Procurement and Open Space Officer and the Contracts Delivery Manager advised the following:


·         There would be no income generated from the track, as there would be open access to the track.

·         Sites were added and removed from the Grounds Maintenance Contract on a regular basis.

·         The site was located within the Heanton Punchardon ward which adjoined the Braunton East Ward.  Heanton Punchardon Parish Council had been consulted and the consultation response was read to the Executive.

·         During discussions with Braunton and Heanton Punchardon ward Members, Members had requested that the views of the Police be sought in regard to the potential of anti-social behaviour at the site.  A response was received from Braunton’s Police Community Support Officer and was detailed within paragraph 4.8 of the report.

·         There was no capacity to upgrade the track to a regional track.  A regional track had already been provided in Bideford.

·         Insurance would be included within the Council’s corporate policy.






That the freehold transfer of the land at Velator be accepted, identified on the annexed plan to the report, at nil value and it be adopted for use as a BMX track, from Trustees of the BMX Club;



That pursuant to Executive decisions on 6/6/2016 and 5/2/18, that the allocation of S106 public open space funds previously allocated to Braunton BMX Club be re-assigned, totalling £75,616.18 for use by the authority in delivering a BMX pump track, which already forms part of the approved capital programme;



That NDC procures and manages the project and maintains the facility thereafter.





That Council be recommended to vary the capital programme by a further £25,000 from Investing in Devon external funding (£25,000), and that the full project funds be released.






To support delivery of a community facility and allocate funds in line S106 agreements.



To provide a solution to the delivery of the BMX track construction.



Supporting documents: