Agenda item

Agenda item

To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution


To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Worden:



“This Council acknowledges that there is overwhelming evidence indicating that human activity has resulted in global climate change that threatens our future and those of generations to come. It is clear that we must all take significant steps to address our lifestyles immediately in order to slow and, in time, reverse this damage. In our position as a local authority, we have a crucial role to play in both leading by example and influencing the way that the residents and businesses of North Devon live and work. 


The Officers and Members in recent years have started to address the causes and impact of Climate Change in North Devon. As a Council, we have already worked on reducing the use of plastics and improving recycling rates. However, there is much more that needs to be done such as encouraging residents, where possible, to shop locally and to use local produce. This Council acknowledges that effective action to address these issues will take time to implement. We cannot expect residents to change their habits if we are not prepared to lead by example in the fight against climate change for the sake of everyone in North Devon both now and in the future.


This Council therefore resolves to set up an officer-led working group, to include interested councillors, drawing on expert external advice to provide informed policy input and practical suggestions of issues that this Council can and should be addressing going forward. This working group should report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with the remit to make recommendations as appropriate to the Executive and Full Council”. 



(a)       To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Worden


Councillor Worden presented his notice of motion to Council.


It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Biederman “This Council acknowledges that there is overwhelming evidence indicating that human activity has resulted in global climate change that threatens our future and those of generations to come. It is clear that we must all take significant steps to address our lifestyles immediately in order to slow and, in time, reverse this damage. In our position as a local authority, we have a crucial role to play in both leading by example and influencing the way that the residents and businesses of North Devon live and work.  The Officers and Members in recent years have started to address the causes and impact of Climate Change in North Devon. As a Council, we have already worked on reducing the use of plastics and improving recycling rates. However, there is much more that needs to be done such as encouraging residents, where possible, to shop locally and to use local produce. This Council acknowledges that effective action to address these issues will take time to implement. We cannot expect residents to change their habits if we are not prepared to lead by example in the fight against climate change for the sake of everyone in North Devon both now and in the future.  This Council therefore resolves to set up an officer-led working group, to include interested councillors, drawing on expert external advice to provide informed policy input and practical suggestions of issues that this Council can and should be addressing going forward. This working group should report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with the remit to make recommendations as appropriate to the Executive and Full Council.”


It was moved by Councillor Spear and seconded by Councillor Barker “that the notice of motion be amended to include that the officer-led working group be under the leadership of the Portfolio Holder for the Environment.”


Councillor Worden agreed to take the amendment on board within the notice of motion.


RESOLVED that this Council acknowledges that there is overwhelming evidence indicating that human activity has resulted in global climate change that threatens our future and those of generations to come. It is clear that we must all take significant steps to address our lifestyles immediately in order to slow and, in time, reverse this damage. In our position as a local authority, we have a crucial role to play in both leading by example and influencing the way that the residents and businesses of North Devon live and work.  The Officers and Members in recent years have started to address the causes and impact of Climate Change in North Devon. As a Council, we have already worked on reducing the use of plastics and improving recycling rates. However, there is much more that needs to be done such as encouraging residents, where possible, to shop locally and to use local produce. This Council acknowledges that effective action to address these issues will take time to implement. We cannot expect residents to change their habits if we are not prepared to lead by example in the fight against climate change for the sake of everyone in North Devon both now and in the future.  This Council therefore resolves to set up an officer-led working group under the leadership of the Portfolio Holder for Environment, to include interested councillors, drawing on expert external advice to provide informed policy input and practical suggestions of issues that this Council can and should be addressing going forward. This working group should report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with the remit to make recommendations as appropriate to the Executive and Full Council.”