Agenda item

Agenda item

Chair's replies to any questions to Council by Members submitted under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution

(a)       To consider the following questions from Councillor York:


“As a Member of the NDC Climate Action Team, I would welcome answers to the following questions about the introduction of street waste and recycling bins in Barnstaple (and beyond?).


I understand there is a trial being conducted with a new recycling bin in Pilton Park.


I would like to know how this is going and what, if any, plans there are to extend this service across the town (and beyond)?


If there are plans, which areas are being considered?


Will Members be contacted to help identify ‘litter hot-spots’ in their wards?


How will the collection of waste and recycling from these bins be managed?


A couple of years ago during the previous administration, I had positive discussions with Cllr Brailey and Hannah Harrington at the Barnstaple Pannier Market Traders’ Committee, around the potential of local businesses sponsoring new recycling bins to help pay for them. Is this still being considered? If not, could this be achieved?


If there is doubt about whether the public are likely to use the bins effectiely, could the Council consider issuing some constructive comms around their introduction and how to use them responsibly?


As Chair of Barnstaple Town Council’s Environment Committee, I would be willing, with the agreement of the committee, to help support a recycling bin scheme with some of our Committee budget, for Barnstaple wards.”



(a) To consider the following question from Councillor York to the Lead Member for the Environment


“As a Member of the NDC Climate Action Team, I would welcome answers to the following questions about the introduction of street waste and recycling bins in Barnstaple (and beyond?).


I understand there is a trial being conducted with a new recycling bin in Pilton Park.


I would like to know how this is going and what, if any, plans there are to extend this service across the town (and beyond)?


If there are plans, which areas are being considered?


Will Members be contacted to help identify ‘litter hot-spots’ in their wards?


How will the collection of waste and recycling from these bins be managed?


A couple of years ago during the previous administration, I had positive discussions with Councillor Brailey and Hannah Harrington at the Barnstaple Pannier Market Traders’ Committee, around the potential of local businesses sponsoring new recycling bins to help pay for them. Is this still being considered? If not, could this be achieved?


If there is doubt about whether the public are likely to use the bins effectively, could the Council consider issuing some constructive comms around their introduction and how to use them responsibly?


As Chair of Barnstaple Town Council’s Environment Committee, I would be willing, with the agreement of the committee, to help support a recycling bin scheme with some of our Committee budget, for Barnstaple wards.”


Councillor Pearson’s response “The recycling bin that was placed at the entrance to Pilton Park was not part of a formal trial.  It was placed there as it was intended to let a concession at the entrance and it was hoped that it would serve that concession and fit with the sustainable objectives of that arrangement.  Unfortunately because of lockdown, that concession has not been progressed.  As a result, the recycling bin has not been supervised and so has been used incorrectly.  There are no plans to extend that arrangement but we are drawing up plans to produce a Litter Strategy.  This would cover the whole area of litter and look at the size, number, type and position of bins and campaigns to reduce litter, recycle street litter and use receptacles appropriately.  Members, and relevant town and parish councils, would of course be involved in this and the Strategy would be signed off by Committee and would fit in with our Corporate Objectives.  Once a litter strategy is agreed we could design a new comms litter campaign. I hope to be able to present the Strategy to Members in the New Year.  Out of interest we did run a trial of a smart litter bin in Barnstaple.  Again, this was interrupted by the first lockdown and so it is difficult to compare the results with previous years but appeared successful. The initial results indicated that we would need to empty it less frequently, roughly once for every four visits to a conventional bin. Also because it is a smart bin it sends a message when it is full so should prevent overflow. These bins are, however, pretty expensive so would need to be placed carefully should we decide to purchase any.  I agree that we should be considering bin sponsorship and I am personally keen to see more recycling receptacles in public spaces round the district. Evidence and experience from other Districts suggests that public recycling receptacles are more successful if part of an overall and continuing campaign encouraging their correct use.  I welcome your questions and would be happy to engage with Barnstaple Town Council’s Environment Committee in planning recycling bins for the town.”


In response to a supplementary question, Councillor Pearson advised that there were lots of organisations lobbying their suppliers regarding supplying products in alternative packages and that she looked forward to working with Councillor York on the Council’s litter strategy.

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