Agenda item

Agenda item

Annual Performance Report

Report by Chief Executive (attached).


The Committee considered a report by the Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding the Annual Performance.


The Chief Executive highlighted the following:

·         This would be a regular annual update reviewing the Council’s performance against the Corporate Priorities.

·         Five priorities had been agreed by Full Council in February 2024, these were:

Ø  Achieving Financial Security

Ø  Housing

Ø  Climate and Environment

Ø  Pride of Place and Prosperity; and

Ø  People Matter

·         To achieve financial security, a balanced budget had been set, the commercialisation strategy had been reviewed and refreshed, financial plans were continually reviewed, and services had been reviewed to ensure they were efficient.  Property had been purchased to help ease the burden of temporary accommodation placement costs, Green Lanes was providing an additional income and we were always looking at ways to share services such as the Joint Building Control services with Mid-Devon council.

·         To achieve our Housing provision, £800,000 in funding had been secured to provide affordable housing in rural areas through a Community Land Trust.

·         Land had been purchased in Braunton to help ensure affordable housing was available as part of a new development.

·         To help residents in need of temporary accommodation, 13 properties had been purchased.  £1.7 million had been secured from the Local Authority Housing Fund.

·         £2 million funding had been secured for the Ilfracombe Healthy Homes project. 

·         180 homes were to be developed on the site of the old Leisure Centre at Seven Brethren, 54 of these would be affordable.

·         We continued to work with local landlords to improve property standards in the private rental sector.

·         To achieve our Climate and Environment priorities, a new section of woodland had been planted at the community woodland near Frankmarsh.

·         Exploring options to install solar panels on the Ilfracombe swimming pool and the North Devon Crematorium.

·         Investment into the recycling facilities would ensure we can recycle more waste efficiently as well as offering the opportunity for third parties to recycle with us.

·         Options to make the vehicle fleet more environmentally friendly were continually reviewed.

·         Funding had been secured to carry out energy efficiency improvement works at Brynsworthy Environment Centre and the Landmark Theatre, Ilfracombe.

·         The priority of Pride of Place and Prosperity had seen us complete the Ilfracombe Watersports centre.

·         Further works were due for completion along Ilfracombe sea front in Spring 2025.

·         The £12 million Barnstaple market quarter project was underway, this included the completed works of the refurbishment of the Pannier Market and Guildhall, the redevelopment of Queen Street and Bear Street carparks, the renovation of a grade II listed building at 36 Boutport Street into a cultural hub for North Devon was progressing.

·         An economic strategy for North Devon and Torridge had been delivered.

·         Reviewed and refreshed our strategies for car parking and asset management.

·         To fulfil our People Matter priority a community hub was being developed in Green Lanes shopping centre, giving greater access for residents and extending our face-to-face offer.

·         A behaviour framework, developed by staff, had been implemented and recruitment was undertaken using this framework.  Working to achieve making North Devon Council an employer of choice.

·         For the sized authority we are an impressive range of projects had been undertaken such as building a new leisure centre, to extending the museum, from redeveloping Seven Brethren and to the purchase of Green Lanes shopping centre.

·         Appendix A of the report detailed the achievements made with case studies.


RESOLVED that the Annual Performance Report be approved and released for community engagement.

Supporting documents: