Agenda item

70262: Conversion of existing buildings to create 14 dwellings together with erection of 7 new dwellings & associated works, The Old Tannery, South Molton

Conversion of existing buildings to create 14 dwellings together with erection of 7 new dwellings and associated works, 77 The Old Tannery, East Street, South Molton, EX36 3DQ. Report by Head of Place (attached).


Councillor Chesters declared a prejudicial interest in the above application and left the meeting.


The Committee considered a report by the Head of Place (circulated previously now appended).


The Lead Planning Officer advised that the Heads of Terms of the section 106 agreement had now been agreed with the applicant and recommended that the Head of Place be delegated authority to secure the heads of terms of the section 106 agreement.  The off site public open space contribution had been reduced to £58,148.


Matt Steart (agent) addressed the Committee.


Councillor Worden (Ward Member and on behalf of South Molton Town Council) addressed the Committee.


In responses to questions, the Lead Planning Officer advised that further to the Landscape and Countryside Officer’s consultation response, the applicant had submitted the correct version of the Tree Protection and Arboricultural Impact Assessment and therefore the matter had been resolved.  The existing provision of residential parking on the site was a commercial arrangement and could stop at any time.  It was not within the remit of the applicant to resolve parking for existing residents.  The scheme provided two parking spaces for every dwelling and two visitor parking spaces.  Two spaces were also provided on the site for the occupiers of numbers 77 and 77a East Street.


In response to questions, the Highways Officer (MC) advised that there had been no recorded vehicle collisions at the site entrance despite the substandard arrangements of the access.  There was no opportunity to improve the access to the site.  The existing provision of on-street parking along East Street, resulted in the reduction of speed of vehicles.  There would not be an increase in traffic entering and exiting the site.  Large vehicles accessing the site currently would cease.


Councillor Yabsley declared a personal interest as a Devon County Council Member for the area.


In response to further questions, the Lead Planning Officer advised that Devon County Council was currently undertaking a review of on street parking and pedestrian safety in South Molton and it was recommended that representations be made to Devon County Council regarding these issues.  The application had a neutral impact on the highway issues in East Street.  The advice from the Highways Authority was that there would be a net increase in safety as the number of large vehicles accessing the site would cease.   On site parking would be provided and that parking rights for other third parties could not be granted.  Off site works for the re-alignment of the pavement would be secured.  Additional recording work has been commissioned to address the comments of the Devon County Council’s Archaeologist, which had not yet been received.  Given the proximity of the Brook it was important to ensure that surface water runoff was controlled to greenfield run off rates so as not to cause any issues downstream.  Additional information has been requested by DCC as Lead Local Flood Authority was commissioned.   The Bark Shed would be used for either covered car parking or uncovered parking.  The Conservation Officer had expressed concern regarding its demolition and this issue was still outstanding and delegated authority was sought to resolve this issue.  The use of building materials was a mixed pallet.  The Conservation Officer had requested that units 15-21 be redesigned three times.  The site was within the development boundary of South Molton.  The scheme would be unlikely to be viable with the exclusion of the new builds.  Delegated authority had been requested to resolve issues identified in the report that were awaiting clarification. 


RESOLVED (8 for, 0 against, 2 abstained) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Head of Place subject to:



That the Head of Place be delegated authority to resolve those issues identified in the report that were awaiting clarification and to apply appropriate conditions as required by the consultees to address the issues raised, secure the heads of terms of the section 106 agreement and seek a reduction in the construction hours as detailed in condition 8 on Monday to Fridays;



That representations be made to Devon County Council requesting that: a comprehensive review of on street parking in East Street be undertaken; an assessment of traffic speeds which were considered excessive; an assessment of whether a weight restriction would be appropriate and whether a formal pedestrian crossing was required at the eastern end of East Street.


Supporting documents: