Agenda item
Hackney Carriage Rank Review
- Meeting of Licensing and Community Safety Committee, Tuesday, 10th December, 2024 10.30 am (Item 30.)
- View the background to item 30.
Report by Public Protection Manager (attached).
The Committee considered a report by the Lead Officer Commercial Regulation (circulated previously) regarding Hackney Carriage Rank Review.
The Lead Officer Commercial Regulation highlighted the following:
· Colleagues from Devon County Council were in attendance to answer any questions in relation to the review of the taxi ranks.
· Responses to an informal consultation with the trade could be seen at Appendix A of the report.
· Section 4.7 of the report, summarised the comments received from the taxi trade in relation to the proposed amendments to taxi ranks in North Devon.
· The comments fell into the following categories:
Ø Full support for the taxi rank locations being amended as proposed in Ilfracombe.
Ø Proposals to amend the timings of the Barton Road, Woolacombe rank from 10pm-6am to 6pm–6am in line with purported delivery times in this location.
Ø Concern over the rank on the Esplanade, Woolacombe due to its proximity to its junction and the make-up of the kerb being alleged to be an uneven grazed surface.
Ø Proposal to amend the rank from the Esplanade, Woolacombe to the road adjacent to The Red Barn, Barton Road, Woolacombe (opposite bus stop), being a one way road of greater width; and
Ø Concerns over lack of enforcement with ranks being parked on by private vehicles (largely outside of scope of this review as powers to enforce were held by Devon County Council).
James Bench from Devon County Council addressed the committee regarding the enforcement process. As a result of ranks being formalised as no stopping taxi ranks, this would mean no vehicles could stop on a designated taxi rank and if they did enforcement would be a simpler process.
The Lead Officer Commercial Regulation presented some photographs of the rank currently in use at the Esplanade, Woolacombe along with a photo of the location of a proposed new rank in Barton Road, Woolacombe.
The Chair advised the Committee that the Ward Member for Woolacombe, Councillor Wilkinson, had recently taken the item of taxi rank review to the Parish Council meeting where it was agreed in favour of a new rank outside The Red Barn.
The Devon County Council Officer confirmed that the creation of a new rank outside of the Red Barn to accommodate four bays would be possible after undertaking further consultation. The width of the road was sufficient to take the creation of a rank.
The Licensing Officer advised that a rank outside the Red Barn had historically been rescinded as the Fire Service had made representations regarding access. It was believed that the width of the road was sufficient and in the event of vehicles needing to be moved, taxis were rarely left unattended so could easily be asked to move to allow access by emergency vehicles.
The Lead Officer Commercial Regulation went on to explain the process to bring about formalising the proposed taxi rank at Barton Road, informal consultation/notice of the proposal would be sent out to the trade seeking their observations and comments. Once all comments had been collated, it would return to Strategy and Resources Committee. If agreed at Committee a notice in the local newspaper would be published to be able to formally adopt as a Hackney Carriage rank.
In the absence of Councillor Maskell, the Lead Officer Commercial Regulation read out an email from her. This was highlighting an error in the drawing of Exeter Road, Braunton, as seen on page 31 of the agenda (drawing number ENV5910/11 (C)). Councillor Maskell believed the Existing Bus Stop Clearway (dark blue dots) and the Existing Limited Waiting (light blue dots) were the wrong way round. The Devon County Council Officer present confirmed this was a typographical error and would be corrected.
Members went on to discuss other areas in Barnstaple and query their proposed amendments. A single line would be inserted in Cross Street once the rank had been removed, this would allow parking after 6pm in line with the rest of the street.
In clarification the rank in Mid-Boutport was to retain its Existing No Waiting At Any Time Except Taxis status.
In response to a question about how many Disabled Bays there were in Mid-Boutport Street. The Devon County Council Officer displayed the County Council mapping tool showing the Disabled Bays along Boutport Street.
(a) That consideration was given to the responses, as seen at Appendix A of the report, given to the consultation on the proposed taxi rank amendments, shown on the maps at Appendix B and listed at Appendix C of the report;
(b) To consult with the taxi trade on the proposed options for the Woolacombe rank:
(i) Consolidate ranks and just have one new rank outside the Red Barn;
(ii) Keep the two existing ranks at the Esplanade and Barton Road and create a new rank outside the Red Barn; or
(iii) Keep the rank at the Esplanade and create a new one outside the Red Barn, removing the existing one at Barton Road; and
(c) To recommend to Strategy and Resources Committee recommendations once informal consultation with the trade has taken place with regard further advertising of the proposals for amendment of the Hackney Carriage ranks in line with Section 63 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
Supporting documents:
Report Hackney Carriage Rank Review, item 30.
PDF 318 KB
Appendix A, item 30.
PDF 284 KB
Appendix B, item 30.
Appendix C, item 30.
PDF 281 KB