Agenda item

Agenda item

Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit Report - Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours

Report by Health and Safety Advisor (attached).


The Harbour Master advised the Board of the sad passing of Mark Sylvester.  The Board extended their condolences to the family.


The Board considered a report by the Health and Safety Advisor (circulated previously) regarding the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit – Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours.


The Designated Person highlighted the following:

·         Additional members of staff attended the recent audit inspection meeting, The Environmental Health Manager and the Emergency Planning Officer as this team had now taken over responsibility for Health and Safety at the Coucnil. 

·         The quarterly audit inspection was carried out at both harbours on 8 July 2024.


Actions completed since last inspection – Ilfracombe


·         The Harbour Master would be presenting a report to the Board regarding the Constitution for the formation of the Harbour Advisory Committee.

·         The Harbour Master would be presenting the Business Plan for Ilfracombe Harbour.

·         Works to stabilise the Cove cliff face had been completed.

·         Signage had been installed to indicate no public access beyond the yellow line with regards to edge protection risks on Old Quay Head.


Risk Management – Ilfracombe


·         An internal audit of the following topics was carried out this quarter; there were no non-conformities or non-compliances:

(i)            Marine Safety Management System

(ii)          Marine Emergency Plan Emergency Planning (OPRC/Site Emergency)

(iii)         Aid to Navigation Aids and Wrecks.


·         The bulged wall at Stone Bench was continuing to be monitored by the Harbour Master.  There was no further movement of stonework and the catchment netting was working as intended.  The Senior Engineer would carry out a thorough check on the wall in October 2024 and re-tender if works were required.

·         An additional set of wording was still required along the edge protection line on the Cove side of the Harbour.

·         The final report from the Royal Life Saving Society regarding the potential use of the “Sea Pool” area by members of the public had been chased up but was still outstanding. As soon as it was received, the report would be referred to the Council’s Senior Management Team for a final decision.


Actions Completed since last inspection – Lynmouth

·         The work to rectify the trip hazards on the Rhenish Tower walk way had been completed and the walk way has reopened to the public.

·         The algal growth along the edge of the slipway, the Harbour Arm and the steps down from the Harbour Arm had been treated and removed.  Removal would be repeated every four to six weeks as necessary.


Risk Management – Lynmouth


·         The Training Policy required reviewing and updating to be relevant to the current non-Statutory Harbour Authority situation with Lynmouth Harbour.  Some training of the Town Clerk was still required.

·         An internal audit of the following topics was carried out this quarter.  There were no non-conformities or non-compliances, given that Lynmouth was not currently a Statutory Harbour Authority:

(i)            Marine Safety Management System

(ii)          Marine Emergency Plan Emergency Planning (OPRC/Site Emergency)

(iii)         Aids to Navigation and Wrecks


·         The remedial work to the stone steps (near the Rising Sun pub) was still outstanding as the most appropriate material to complete the works had yet to be agreed.

·         The Senior Engineer has recently received the report of the Lynmouth Study, carried out by Royal Haskoning DHV.  A meeting would be arranged to agree on any action that was needed as a result of the findings.

·         The issue of seawater pouring through the joints between the stones, along a stretch of the sea wall, had been raised with Devon County Council Highways.  The Town clerk would chase up a response.


Health and Safety at Ilfracombe Harbour continued to be proactively managed by the Harbour Master.  No new risks were identified during this audit although there were some matters which were still ongoing, due to their nature.


The status of Lynmouth Harbour as a Statutory Harbour Authority was still progressing, therefore, there were still some aspects of the Port Marine Safety Code that did not apply.  No new risks were identified during this audit although there were some matters which were ongoing.



RESOLVED that the findings of the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit be noted.

Supporting documents: