Agenda item

Community Safety Updates

Crime Safety Partnership Officer to report.


The Service Lead – Community Safety Partnership Officer/Harm Risk advised the Committee that the Community Safety Partnership had met on 30 April 2024.  He provided a brief update to the Committee on the outcomes of the meeting and advised that the minutes would be circulated to the Committee in due course.


Sergeant Kevin Connar, Community Safety Partnership provided an update to the Committee following the recent tragic deaths on 27 and 28 April 2024 following substance abuse which had been described as an “unusual batch” of heroin that had been mixed with powerful manufactured drugs. Police had been made aware of similar incidents in the Torbay area over the May bank holiday weekend. The response to the incidents demonstrated joined up working between the Police, statutory and non-statutory authorities.  The local police and first responders had been given the power to administer a blocker to synthetic opioids.   The police had been working closely with the Freedom Centre.  There was a need for vigilance and any information from members of the community to be shared so that appropriate response could be taken.


The Committee extended their condolences to the families of those who had died and to others that had been affected.  They also thanked the Police and those involved in responding to the incident over the weekend of 27 and 28 April.


The Committee discussed the circumstances as to why synthetic opioids were being manufactured and being used by individuals.


The Service Lead – Community Safety Partnership Officer/Harm Risk advised the Committee that Public Health Devon had produced guidance on safety when taking drugs.  There was increasing concern regarding the manufacture of synthetic opioids in America.  The law prevented the provision of safe places where people could go to use drugs in England.  Together Drug and Alcohol Services located at Riverside Court in Barnstaple had replaced the Quay Centre. Public Health Devon were providing testing kits which allowed users to test for synthetic opioids.


In response to questions from the Committee, Sergeant Kevin Connar advised that Councillors were key in obtaining knowledge within their areas and it was then important to connect communications with the Police so that they were aware. Upon receipt of information from any source, the Police undertook an assessment based on threat, risk and harm.


The Service Lead – Community Safety Partnership Officer/Harm Risk advised that a programme of bite size sessions were in the process of being arranged. These sessions were aimed at Councillors and members of the Community Safety Partnership which also included Torridge District Council. The first session would be held in June.  The sessions would include scams, modern slavery and hate crime.  Details of the sessions would be sent to the Corporate and Community Services Team to share with Councillors.  He also advised of the provision of a new night bus service which would be introduced from July to September 2024.  The night bus service would run from Barnstaple to Bideford and Barnstaple to Ilfracombe, costing £2 per fare.  This was to ensure that those visiting the night time economy were able to travel home safely and cheaply.  Both the Council and Torridge District Council had provided funding towards the provision of this service.  The service would be advertised shortly.  A similar service had been run last Christmas which had been successful.