Agenda item

Agenda item

Consultation Response - Bishops Tawton Roundabout Improvements

Joint report by the Chief Executive and Head of Place (attached).


The Committee considered a joint report by the Chief Executive and Head of Place (circulated previously) regarding the provision of a consultation response to Devon County Council (DCC) in relation to the proposed improvements to the Bishops Tawton roundabout.


Councillor Yabsley declared a personal interest as a Member of DCC’s Development Management Committee.


The Chief Executive highlighted the following:


·         DCC, as highway authority, had applied for permission for the alteration of the roundabout at Bishops Tawton including the construction of an underpass under the A361.  DCC  would determine the application, but North Devon Council had been requested to give its views as a consultee.

·         The application had been called in for determination by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 11th September 2019.

·         The Design and Access Statement was attached as an appendix to the report.


The Senior Planning Officer highlighted the following and provided a strategic overview of the planning application that had been received:


·         The Joint Local Plan identified the importance of the A361/A39 connection to the rest of the country and that improvements were required.

·         A consultation response was provided on 30th November 2018 regarding the importance of the Filleigh cutting to the Portmore junction.

·         Section 106 financial contributions had been sought from the Roundswell development towards improvements at the Bishop’s Tawton roundabout and that contributions would also be sought from the Larkbeare development.

·         Outlined the proposals to widen the approaches to provide an additional lane and the construction of an underpass which was compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act.  The Police Designing out officer had raised no objections to the planning application.

·         The scheme was part of strategic improvements to the A361/A39 and took into account proposed planning developments up until 2031.

·         DCC had been advised that consideration of a consultation response would be presented to this Committee and the Planning Committee on 11th September 2019.  It was understood that DCC’s Development Management Committee would determine the scheme at its meeting on 16th October 2019.


In response to questions, the Chief Executive advised that as some Members of the Committee were also Members of the Planning Committee, there was a need for those Members to not pre-determine the planning application.  The Planning Committee would consider the planning merits of the application and the Strategy and Resources Committee would consider the strategic benefits and dis-benefits.    The Council had supported DCC in its funding applications and in its ambition to make improvements to the Link Road.  The District Council had acknowledged that if the District was to attract investment into the area and the provision of additional housing, its connections to other parts of the country have to be improved.  If the Committee was concerned regarding the impact the proposal would have on communities in Bishops Tawton and South Street, then this concern could be raised.


In response to questions, the Planning Officer confirmed that the proposal would not generate any additional traffic into South Street as the approach to the roundabout would be widened to enable traffic to go straight across the roundabout and also turn right into South Street.  The Planning Statement that accompanied the planning application set out the options and the reasons why they have been discounted i.e. alternative footbridge, signalised crossings. The report to the Planning Committee on 11th September 2019 addressed concerns of Ward Members and other issues raised.





That the objectives of the Bishop’s Tawton roundabout improvement scheme be supported in principle subject to:




Consideration being given to measures that could be introduced to reduce through traffic to South Street e.g. width restriction;




Consideration being given to measures that could be introduced to encourage traffic to use more appropriate accesses to the east of Barnstaple;




Consideration of whether the provision of an underpass was necessary or whether there were other measures that could provide the same level of cycle and pedestrian safety;



That as a result of the consultation and reviewing the concerns raised, the Council was most concerned and requested that a full strategic review of traffic movements and access issues in Barnstaple was undertaken and also expressed concern regarding the funding reductions for park and ride schemes.


Supporting documents: