Agenda item

Agenda item

Notice of Motion from Council on 24th July 2019 - Minute 21(a)

To consider the Notice of Motion from Full Council on 24th July 2019 in relation to minute 21(a).


The Committee considered a notice of motion from Council on 24th July regarding minute 21(a).


The Chairman invited Councillor Tucker to address the Committee to present his notice of motion that was presented to Full Council on 24th July 2019.


Councillor Tucker advised that he had been concerned for some time in regards to the condition of the existing roads within the North Devon area. He added that following his notice of motion to Full Council he was pleased to report that the Lead Officer for the North Devon Link Road project had been invited to the next meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 25th September 2019 to give a presentation to the Members. He expressed his concern that the Council was not being kept fully informed of the progress with the Link Road project and advised that he had discussed the proposed improvements with an officer at Devon County Council who advised that whilst many of the proposals were beneficial the introduction of a third lane in certain sections together with the removal of many trees would have a devastating impact. He added that the Council should be working more closely with Devon County Council on projects that affect our area. He explained that the North Devon Council Planning Committee had considered an application in relation to the Bishops Tawton roundabout and underpass, which had been the subject of a lengthy discussion and appropriate recommendations had been made. He added that he was disappointed that no officers from Devon County Council were present at the meeting. He stated that this Council, therefore, called on Devon County Council to set up, as a matter of urgency, a comprehensive review into connectivity in North Devon. He suggested that an appropriate way forward might be to assemble a joint Committee of North Devon and Devon County Councillors to discuss the concerns of the Members within the North Devon area. 


Following Councillor Tucker’s address to the Committee, the Members discussed the following:


·         The Committee supported the comments made by Councillor Tucker and raised concern with regard to the lack of communication with North Devon Councillors.

·         Members of the North Devon Highways and Transport Orders Committee (HATOC) had received a detailed presentation which should be disseminated to other Members of the Council.

·         Supported concerns raised in relation to the existing issues within the Barnstaple area and acknowledged the lack of connectivity.

·         Concern was raised regarding the earmarked funding from the Larkbeare application, which was not currently progressing.

·         Noted that there was only one Devon County Councillor from the North Devon area sat on the Devon County Council Planning Committee.

·         Acknowledged concerns that Bishops Tawton Parish Council hadn’t been kept informed of developments with the proposed underpass.

·         Concern was raised that funds allocated for the maintenance of the existing road network within the North Devon area would be absorbed into the Link Road project.

·         The community of Bishops Tawton was divided in its opinion upon the proposed subway and there was a need to establish a clear way forward.

·         Expressed frustration that such a large planning application for the North Devon area was not determined by the North Devon Council Planning Committee.


The Leader advised that he was currently in discussions with the Chief Executive of North Devon Council and Devon County Council with a view to assembling a group of Members from both Councils to work together and discuss any projects that would have a significant impact upon the North Devon area.


RESOLVED, that the Notice of Motion be supported.


Councillor Roome declared a personal interest as a member of Barnstaple Town Council.

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