Agenda item

Agenda item

Land Release Fund Project Update: Seven Brethren Regeneration

Report by Head of Place (attached).


The Committee considered a report by the Head of Place (circulated previously) regarding the Land Release Fund Project update on Seven Brethren Regeneration.


The Regeneration Manager highlighted the following:


·         In November 2017 North Devon Council were awarded £2.2 million of Land Release Fund to bring forward 245 residential units at Seven Brethren, Barnstaple. £1 million was secured towards junction improvements and £1.2 million towards delivering flood defences/raising of site levels. £1,200,000 had been received and the remaining monies would be paid in a further tranche over the next 12 months providing the project is progressing as set out in the original bid (or amended as agreed).

·         The Land Release Fund was a Government initiative to assist in unlocking sites and accelerating the delivery of housing. The Fund expects this land to be released for housing no later than March 2020. It had since been acknowledged by the Local Government Association (LGA) that this could be extended until December 2020.

·         The Land Release Fund was provided on the basis of the release of 3.6 hectares of land for housing; namely the site of the existing leisure centre, the short stay car park, long stay car park, any events area not within the required land for the new leisure centre and the current toleration site, to provide 245 homes.

·         A member briefing and public consultation event was held on Thursday 11th July 2019. The information has been made available online and the consultation ended on 26th July 2019.  A briefing had also been provided to Barnstaple Town Council.  A high level report from the consultation findings had now been received and would be circulated separately.

·         The Environmental Impact Assessment was near completion. 

·         The planning application would be submitted in September 2019 which would be a hybrid planning application where the scheme will be in outline save the provision of the new long stay car park, which would be a detailed part of the application.

·         Land had to be released for development by December 2020, although the LGA were aware that the site of the current leisure centre and associated short stay car park could not be released until the new leisure centre was open, and have indicated that a phased approach is acceptable.

·         Two meetings had been held with both Barnstaple Town Council and the Showman’s Guild and they have taken options away to discuss with their membership.  Work was being undertaken with the ecologist to establish the maximum size of the site.

·         The public consultation panels showed a temporary toleration site to the rear of the proposed new long stay car park. The Head of Place had set up a project team to start looking at a long term solution for travellers and they have had their first meeting.

·         Hydrock consultants were preparing a Transport assessment for this project.  The Council was working with them, DCC, Highways and LHC urban designers to understand what highway improvements were necessary for this project and what place making opportunities there were, particularly at the junction of the Long Bridge which would link the new riverside walk/cycleway with that within the Anchorwood Bank site.

·         Working continues with consultants and internal officers to understand the effects of this scheme on flooding, ecology, trees, drainage, heritage and contamination and any required mitigation.


In response to questions, the Regeneration Manager confirmed that there would be no reduction in the level of car parking during the replacement of the long stay car parking.  The next key milestone was the deadline for the receipt of formal tenders at the end of October 2019.


RESOLVED that the content of the report be noted.


Supporting documents: