Agenda item
Grant Scheme ‘Keeping North Devon Connected’ 2024-2027
Report by Head of Governance (attached)
The Committee considered a report by the Head of Governance (circulated previously) regarding the Grant Scheme ‘Keeping North Devon Connected’ 2024-2027.
The Head of Governance highlighted the following:
· Council at its meeting on 19 July 2023 noted that Go North Devon was to dissolve by 30 September 2023.
· The Board of Go North Devon wanted to transfer excess funds to North Devon Council to provide a grant scheme, with the aim of supporting older people or those with mobility issues or disability to keep connected in North Devon, to match the purpose for which the money was originally secured by Go North Devon.
· The excess funds could be circa £120,000. It was anticipated that this would be confirmed in February or March 2024 once dissolution of Go North Devon had been completed.
· Applicants would be able to apply for funds from April 2024 or as soon as the funds were received if after that date.
· Grants of up to £5,000 would be paid out on a ‘first come first served basis’ on meeting the grant criteria. Consideration would be given to applications for grants above the £5,000 limit in exceptional circumstances.
· It was proposed that the funding stream would be available for the financial years 2024/2025, 2025/2026 and 2026/2027. Approximately £40,000 would be available for each financial year (amount to be confirmed).
· Any underspend would be rolled forward to the next financial year through an earmarked reserve.
· The fund would be available to community groups, clubs, charities, CIC or voluntary groups operating on a not-for-profit bases, whose work/project would benefit older people, those with mobility issues or disability, particularly in relation to facilitating or enabling activity within the communities and town centres of North Devon.
· The grant policy found at Appendix A of the report sets out the aims, processes and due diligence in connection with the ‘Keeping North Devon Connected’ grants scheme.
In response to a question on the clarity of what running costs were included, the Head of Governance advised that clarity on running costs would be added and that the paying of direct staff salaries or wages was not eligible as a running cost.
(a) The excess funds from Go North Devon be placed in an earmarked reserve for the purposes of a grant scheme for the next three financial years (2024/25, 2025/26 and 2026/27);
(b) That excess funds be specifically held for the purpose outlined at section 2.1 of the report and not be used to replace any strategic grants already provided by North Devon Council:
(c) That the grants provided be aligned to the purpose of supporting older people, or those with mobility issues or disability, particularly in relation to facilitating or enabling activity within our communities and our town centres;
(d) That delegated power be given to the Head of Governance to approve the grant applications up to the value of £5,000 and any ‘exceptional circumstance’ applications over £5,000 be considered in conjunction with the Leader; and
(e) That the ‘Keeping North Devon Connected’ grant policy for 2024-2027, as detailed at Appendix A of the report, is approved.
Supporting documents:
- Grant Scheme ‘Keeping North Devon Connected’ 2024-2027, item 46. PDF 200 KB
- Appendix A Keeping North Devon Connected Grants Policy 2024-2027, item 46. PDF 261 KB