Agenda item
75927: Land at Castle Park Road Westacott Grange Barnstaple.
- Meeting of SITE INSPECTION, Planning Committee, Thursday, 27th July, 2023 1.30 pm (Item 13.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 13.
Formation of a new service road, footway and associated infrastructure (New ownership certificate and amended plans). Summary report by the Lead Planning Officer (Major applications) (attached).
Also present: Kris Langmead of Tritech Precision Products Barnstaple.
Councillor Leaver declared an interest as the County Councillor for Barnstaple South.
The Committee received the following statement from the Corporate and Community Services Officer:
Any observations which are made during the course of this site visit by Members of the Planning Committee are limited to those issues identified by the Planning Committee of North Devon District Council.
Such observations are made after viewing the site and on the basis of the limited information available on site.
Any such observations are, nor should they be taken as an indication that the application is acceptable or unacceptable. A full presentation and consideration of all the planning issues will be made when the matter was determined by the Planning Committee.
Location: Site entrance:
The Lead Planning Officer (Major Applications) addressed the Committee and advised of the following:
· The location of the proposed road on the map, and on the site, and the route of the road to the left of the existing premises.
· Detailed drawings would be presented at Committee.
· There would be no change to the junction with Castle Park Road.
· The road would be 104m in length.
· The road would narrow in part.
Location: Rear of business premises:
Kris Langmead of Tritech Precision Products advised that the temporary additional buildings on the side of the main building would be removed. These were metal sheds/’lean-to’ structures including vents and plant. This would be in order to achieve the required road width.
The Lead Planning Officer (Major Applications) addressed the Committee and advised of the following:
· Westacott Meadows was to the rear boundary of the site at a higher level.
· Westacott Lane was owned by Devon County Council.
· Identified the route and the local plan allocation on the map.
· The aim was to have two access routes to the location.
Councillor Knight arrived at 13:49pm
In response to questions, the Committee were advised:
· There is not a requirement for the road to adopted by DCC (as confirmed by DCC) if this remains a private road. This is not a planning matter.
· The DCC Highways officer would be present at the Committee.
· The Section 106 agreement would ensure biodiversity net gain for removal of hedgerow
· A highways agreement and reserved matters application would be required to achieve the connection through to the larger part of Westacott allocation where a link to the new Landkey roundabout would be delivered onto the A361
· Tritech would not require any access or fire escapes to the side adjacent to the road.
A number of the Committee viewed the far corner of the site to view the tree line / hedgerow.
Councillor Walker left the meeting.
Location: Westacott Lane (to rear of Tritech site)
The Lead Planning Officer (Major Applications) addressed the Committee and advised of the following:
· The location of the Tritech site, and its rear boundary with Westacott Lane.
· The location on the map.
· Full ecology report and Design would be submitted with full application to Committee.
In response to questions, the Committee were advised:
· The outline planning was for 149 dwellings, with a further 820 on the adjoining site.
· Section drawings of the road, showing its boundary with Westacott Park (at the higher elevation) and also across the width showing the building/road and retaining wall, would be provided.
· Only 9 representations had been received to date. These were not all complaints – some had been comments.
· The background noise of the factory would be considered within the traffic noise levels by environmental health.
Supporting documents: