Agenda item

Agenda item

Future Projects

Harbour Master to report.


The Board received an update from the Harbour Master regarding future projects.


The Harbour Master advised that Ilfracombe Harbour had received endorsement from the Royal Yachting Association as a recognised training centre.


She added that there were aspirations to deliver a multiuse training centre and that this had already led to a number of requests to utilise any future facilities that may be developed.


A business case had been developed for the Ilfracombe Maritime Centre of Excellence together with the development of subsequent business plans in time for approval by the relevant bodies. Tentative approaches had already been made to RMB Chivenor with regards to utilising their grounds as the marine firefighting facility, with the Brynsworthy Environment Centre also being a viable option.


In response to a question regarding the background to the project, the Harbour Master advised that the Royal Yachting Association could provide training courses to boat owners for vessels up to 24m. However, anything above that length would fall within the remit of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and required a boat owner if commercially operated to undertake a mandatory 5.5 day qualification, which required renewal every five years (STCW 95).


She added that the majority of courses could be delivered in Ilfracombe but that maritime firefighting on vessels over 24m would have to be delivered at an alternative location. However, Red One had confirmed that they could deliver this element of the training if the Council provided the necessary equipment; and there were potential locations for this, provided the correct foam rating was in place.


The Harbour Master confirmed that the Board would be kept informed of the process as it developed, adding that the ultimate vision was to build a Maritime Academy in Ilfracombe whilst being mindful to manage realistic expectations and work towards that vision.


In response to questions, the Harbour Master advised the following:


·       The port management element would be included.

·       Petroc were in the process of applying for university status.

·       That mandatory Duty Holder training had been delivered to all Members.


Bollard testing


The Harbour Master referred to an email that she had received from a company regarding the testing of bollards and advised that there had been three major instances around the world whereby a bollard has been pulled out of the Quay by the vessel resulting in injury.


She advised that there was one company that could undertake the required works and access small areas and that she had obtained an approximate quote of £12,410 or £4137 per annum (£344.75 per month) for the testing of 34 bollards each year over a three year period. There would be no charge for Lynmouth.


She explained that bollard testing was not currently a mandatory requirement at the current time. However, once it became a mandatory requirement the costs would increase significantly.


In response to a question regarding the frequency of testing once it became a mandatory requirement, the Harbour Master advised that it was likely that testing would be required on an annual basis.


She added that in accordance with the Council’s financial procedures when a quote was over £5K, there was a requirement to go out to tender and obtain quotes. However, in this instance there was only one suitable company that could undertake the works required and a request for waiver could be obtained prior to funds being sought.


She further advised that the Board would be kept up to date on progress.




a)    that a request be submitted to the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive regarding the payment of £4137 per annum over a three year period to test 34 of the 62 bollards in the harbour; and


b)    that a request for waiver be submitted to allow the Council to appoint the appropriate company to undertake the works.



Aqua Superpower – High Power Marine Charging


The Harbour Master explained that a survey of the harbour had been undertaken by a company called Aqua Superpower for free installation of an Aqua75 high powered charger for cars and boats. This opportunity was being offered to all harbours around the country.


The proposed location of the proposed charger was on the solid harbour wall mounted on a concreate plinth, with the final location being determined by a site survey.


If the Board was to agree, the document would be signed and the Council would receive a percentage of the income generated.




a)    that the proposal of an Aqua75 high powered charged for cars and boats be approved; and


b)    that the Harbour Master notify the company of the Board’s wish to proceed with the installation of the charger.