Agenda item

Agenda item

Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit Report - Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours

Report by Health and Safety Adviser (attached).


The Board considered the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit report (circulated previously), by the Health and Safety Advisor.


The Designated person gave the Board the following highlights:


·         The quarterly audits were carried out at Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours on 17 January 2023.

·         The quarterly audit was carried out to fulfil the responsibility placed upon the Designated Person to ensure the Marine Safety Management System was working correctly in compliance of the Port Marine Safety Code.


Ilfracombe – Actions Completed


·         The Senior Engineer had now received a quote for the remedial works to be carried out to the building stonework on Stone Bench.

·         A contractor was yet to be appointed to carry out the repair works to the vertical crack in the end wall of Old Quay Head.

·         A consultation exercise run by the Harbour Master with local residents regarding the Water Sports Centre had taken place and the Harbour Master had been able to address all concerns that had been raised.


Ilfracombe - Risk Management


·         An internal audit of the following topics had been carried out, with one non-conformity of applicable aspects as follows:

Ø  Environmental Duty.

Ø  Plans and Reporting, Consensus and Monitoring compliance – Harbour Forum meetings had lapsed since the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Harbour Master would address this issue.

Ø  Incident Reporting and Investigation.

Ø  Risk Assessment.

Ø  Harbour owned/operated craft.

·         New composite handrails were due to be fitted along the RNLI steps after April 2023.

·         New electrical conduit on the Cove works were still outstanding awaiting completion.

·         Work to the top rails along the wall on Quay Road and the installation of new Mooring rings for visiting boats was still outstanding.  Funding from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) had been awarded for these works and the items had been ordered.  A permit had been issued  by the Environment Agency allowing the works to be carried out.

·         On 31 March 2023 the Merchant Shipping (Watercraft) Order 2023 will come into effect.  This follows a consultation on Strengthening Enforcement of the Dangerous Use of Recreational Personal Watercraft.  The Merchant Shipping (Watercraft) Order 2023 was laid before Parliament on 18 January 2023.  This Order provided for certain provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 and of the Harbours Act 1964.  As they apply in relation to ships, to apply, in some cases with modifications, in relation to all watercraft, the Harbour Master had applied for a new Harbour Revision Order, which would give the Harbour Authority powers of General Directions, and included Jet Skies under the definition of “vessels”.

·         The Warp Shed on Stone Bench required maintenance by the Council.  Owing to vandalism, the cladding and doors were to be replaced.  Repositioning the doors would enable better access to the shed.

·         Duty Holder training would be provided, virtually, to all newly elected Members after 4 May 2023.  The training would be run by ABPmer and was a mandatory half-day session.

·         The three yearly external harbour audit was due in 2023 and would be carried out by ABPmer.


Lynmouth – Actions Completed


·         Remedial work to the quoins along the top edge of the slipway had been completed and signed off by the Senior Engineer.

·         The Harbour Master had reviewed the Lynmouth Marine Safety Management System in line with the Ilfracombe Marine Facility.

·         The new composite rail for the steps had now been fitted.

·         Western Power had reviewed the electrics within the Rhenish Tower and would be renewing them.  Western Power had given authorisation to fit a safe socket externally for harbour users to be able to access power without the need for internal access to the Rhenish Tower.


Lynmouth – Risk Management


·         An internal audit of the following topics had been carried out, although many do not apply, given the current non-statutory status of Lynmouth harbour:

Ø  Environmental Duty – no Environmental Management Plan.

Ø  Plans and Reporting, Consensus and monitoring compliance – Safety Plan with measurable objectives required.

Ø  Incident Reporting and Investigation.

Ø  Risk Assessment.

Ø  Harbour owned/operated craft.

·         Two mooring balls on the Harbour Arm still required painting white to highlight their positions.

·         Batteries for the new Aid to Navigation lights and the lights were on order.  The refit of the lights would require a 12 week run in time as the National Grid were the only ones able to work on the sealed units.

·         There was an issue regarding moving the Sea Defence boulders, Devon County Council had determined that the works had little priority so would not be looking to carry out the works imminently.  The repositioning of the boulders was important as they protected the Rhenish Tower.

·         The three yearly external harbour audit was due in 2023 to be carried out by ABPmer.

·         Devon County Council had accepted responsibility for the May bridge in Lynmouth along with Oakley Bridge and two at Barbrook.


The Designated person assured the Board that Health and Safety at Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours continued to be proactively managed by the Harbour Master.


The Board noted the findings of the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit Report – Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours.

Supporting documents: