Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of North Devon Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order

Report by Car Parks Manager (attached).


The Committee considered a report by the Parking Manager (circulated previously) regarding the review of North Devon Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive outlined the changes requested by parishes together with included amendments and the amended charges for North Devon Council Car Parks, which was approved by Full Council on 23rd November 2022 for inclusion into the Off Street Parking Order.


He explained that the charges were detailed at Appendix A of the report and included a new charge with regard to motorhome parking in some North Devon Council car parks.


He added that the Off Street Parking Order would be advertised following this meeting and circulated to all neighbouring campsites for comments.


He drew the Committee’s attention to an error on page 162 of the report with regards to the Sheep Pen car park in South Molton. The charge for this car park should be £0.60 per hour with an all-day charge of £2.50 to be consistent with the main Central car park.


The Committee identified a number of errors in their individual areas, which were as follows:


·         Page 76 of the report, which referred to an all-day charge of £6.00 for the Sheep Pen in the South Molton which should read £2.50

·         Page 69 of the report, which referred to ensure that the wording was clear for that N10 ‘no sleeping’ was only applicable to the car parks which were not designated for motorhomes parking.

·         Page 130 of the report, which referred to Berrynarbor car park and listed under Ilfracombe was not in Ilfracombe.

·         Page 139 of the report, which referred to Marine Drive in Ilfracombe as a long stay car park when it was actually now a short stay car park.

·         Page 152 of the report, which referred to the Tourist Information Office at the Town Hall in Lynton can be deleted as it was no longer based there.

·         Page 156 of the report, which referred to the operating of the Mortehoe Cemetery by North Devon Council was owned by the National Trust.

·         Page 156 of the report stated a £15.00 charge for motorhomes in Mortehoe car.

·         Page 157 of the report, which referred to the ownership of Marine Drive car park by Mortehoe Parish Council was incorrect and that it was actually owned by the National Trust and leased to Mortehoe Parish Council.

·         Page 158 of the report, which referred to the ownership of Woolacombe Village Hall by Mortehoe Parish Council was incorrect and that it was actually owned by the Trustees.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive advised that the amendments would be made prior to the advertisement of the Order and the Motorhome parking proposal would be reviewed after 12 months.




(a)  That the changes requested by parishes together with the included amendments and amended charges for North Devon Council car parks, which were approved by Full Council on 23rd November 2022 be included into the Off Street Parking Order and approved for the following:


(i)            Braunton Parish Council - Changes to charges and regulations for Caen Street and Chaloners Road car parks and include the amendments into the Off Street Parking Order as described below and shown in Appendix B.

(ii)           Combe Martin Parish Council - Changes to charges and regulations for Cormelles car park, High Street coach/car park, Holdstone Down, Hollands Park, Kiln car park and The Parade and include the amendments into the Off Street Parking Order as described below and shown in Appendix B.

(iii)          Instow Parish Council - Changes to charges and regulations for Instow Marine car park and include the amendments into the Off Street Parking Order as described below and shown in Appendix B.

(iv)          Lynton & Lynmouth Town Council - Changes to charges and regulations for Bottom Meadow car park, Upper Valley of Rocks car park, Cross Street car park, Valley of Rocks car park, Esplanade car park, Lower Lyndale car park, Upper Lyndale car park, Watersmeet car park and Manor Foreshore car park and include the amendments the Off Street Parking Order as described below and shown in Appendix B.

(v)           South Molton Town Council - Changes to charges and regulations for South Molton Central car park, Sheep Pen car park, South Molton Coach & Lorry Park and include the amendments into the Off Street Parking Order as described below and shown in Appendix B.


·         South Molton Residents permit to only permit parking in the South Molton Central Car Park for clarification purposes. The permit does not allow customers to park in any of the other car parks in South Molton and managed by North Devon Council.


(vi)          North Devon Council Car Parks – Changes to charges and regulations for North Devon Council car parks together with the increase in the level of charges across Off Street Car Parks with effect from 15 March 2023, which was approved by Full Council at its meeting on 23rd November 2022 and included the amendments into the Off Street Parking Order as described below and shown in Appendix B.


Councillor Patrinos declared a Non-Registrable Interest as a member of Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council.


Councillor Pearson declared Non-Registrable Interest as a member of Ilfracombe Town Council.


Councillor Wilkinson declared Non-Registrable Interest as a member of Mortehoe Parish Council.


Councillor Worden declared Non-Registrable Interest as a member of South Molton Town Council.



Supporting documents: