Agenda item
70954: Larkbear Tawstock Barnstaple Devon
Erection of 252 dwellings together with associated works (additional information). Site location plan and report by the Senior Planning Officer (attached).
Also present: D. Heathcote (Persimmon Homes Managing Director), D. Buckle (Persimmon Homes Technical Director), J. Stevenson (Persimmon Homes Land Buyer), J. Kendrick (Elan Homes Managing Director).
The Committee received the following statement from the Corporate and Community Admin Assistant:
“Any observations which are made during the course of this site visit by Members of the Planning Committee are limited to those issues identified by the Planning Committee of North Devon District Council.
Such observations are made after viewing the site and on the basis of the limited information available on site.
Any such observations are, nor should they be taken as an indication that the application is acceptable or unacceptable. A full presentation and consideration of all the planning issues will be made when the matter was determined by the Planning Committee.”
The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee:
- The application was for full planning permission for 252 dwellings with 30% affordable on this allocated site.
· The site would be accessed from Old Torrington Road via the existing Phase 1 access road.
· They would be able to see Phase 1 as constructed to date which had full planning permission for 236 dwellings.
The Committee:
· Met at the site compound and then headed onto Riverton Road walking towards Phase 2 of the development.
Once on site, the Senior Planning Officer identified:
· The north, east, southern and western boundaries and existing hedgerows and trees that demarcate the field boundaries of the site
· The landscape buffer to protect Lake Conservation Area to the east of the site
· The northern link from phase 2 (from Elan Homes part of development) which would provide a future connection over land to the A361
· The vehicular link which would connect the proposed development from phase 1 which is on the western boundary of the site
In answer to questions from the Committee the Senior Planning Officer advised:
· The development would not bring forward all of the allocation within BAR02.
· The original outline application was disposed of.
· Planning approval for the first phase (under 61119) was a full planning permission for 236 so combined with this application the housing numbers would amount to 488 dwellings.
· The land required to provide a junction onto the A361 and the provision of a foot and cycle bridge over the A361 was not within the control of the applicant.
· Devon County Council Highways (DCCHW) had recently sent through a revised consultation response removing reference to the original Grampian condition and re-assessed contributions. They had not objected to the vehicular movements from this site using the Old Torrington Road. They had also commented that whilst the cycle link through the site was preferable as an off-road requirement they noted the approved application did not have such provision.
In answer to questions from the Committee the applicant team advised:
· The pylon and electricity lines would be moved underground during development of the site.
- 75% of all of the homes were complete across the project. 180 were being built by Persimmon Homes and there were 40 left to complete, with 60 being built by Elan Homes and 59 had been completed.
The Councillors continued back along Riverton Road to the Old Torrington Road where the location of the future proposed school site was observed.
In answer to questions from the committee the applicant team advised:
· The land on the future school site was not currently within the ownership of the applicant.
At the arrival of Old Torrington Road, the Senior Planning Officer noted:
· The location of the bus gate onto the Old Torrington Road which had been agreed at DCC’s Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) Committee meeting.
· Directional signage to the Crematorium from Barnstaple would need to be changed.
· The highways agreement still required sign off for the bus gate.
Supporting documents:
- 70954_Site Visit Plan, item 62. PDF 1 MB
- committee site visit report 70954 - Larkbear, item 62. PDF 2 MB