Agenda item

Agenda item

Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit Report - Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours

Report by Health and Safety Adviser (attached).


The Board considered the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit report (circulated previously), by the Health and Safety Advisor.


The Designated Person gave the Board the following highlights:


·         The quarterly audits were carried out at Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours on 6 October 2022.


Ilfracombe – Actions Completed


·        New composite handrails had been installed along the edges of the steps on Old Quay Head.

·        The costings for the installation of the remaining new electrical conduit on the Cove had been obtained.  Works were expected to be completed January 2023. 

·        The Maritime and Coastguard Agency had now approved the Oil Spill Contingency Plan, which will be implemented until the next review is due in 2027. 

·        The lower Leading Light that was relocated due to the Water Sports Centre build work had now been returned to its original position. The characteristics had been surveyed and remain unchanged.


Ilfracombe – Risk Management


·         An internal audit of the following topics was carried out this quarter.

          One minor non-conformity of applicable aspects as below:


Ø  Legislation, (Acts, Harbour Revision Orders, Byelaws) and Directions,

Ø  Conservancy (survey, dredging) - Harbour Master to provide latest survey   information to UK Hydrographic Office.  Confirmed by UK Hydrographic Office 3 November 2022.

Ø  Duty Holder and DP Function,

Ø  Competency and Training.

·         New composite handrails were still to be fitted along the RNLI steps – just below the slipway.  The works were to be carried out in 2023.

·         The catchment netting at Stone Bench, to pin back the bulging stonework was holding well, but there was evidence of further movement as well as cracks in the stonewall adjacent to the netted area.  The Senior Engineer would arrange to obtain a quote for the remedial works that were required.

·         A vertical crack had appeared in the end wall of Old Quay Head.  The Senior Engineer would arrange for a survey to be carried out to determine the cause and provided options for repair.

·        Work to the top rails along the wall on Quay Road and installation of new mooring rings for visiting boats to use was still outstanding.  The paperwork required by the Environment Agency has been completed, submitted and accepted.



Lynmouth – Actions Completed


·        A new composite handrail had been installed on the wall of the slipway.

·        Remedial work to the quoins along the top edge of the slipway wall was in the process of being carried out at the time of the inspection.

·         A member of the public raised an issue of health and safety regarding the mooring pegs along the concreted edge of the causeway, citing them as a trip hazard, particularly to children using the causeway. Following a risk assessment of these pegs, they were not deemed to be any more of a trip hazard than anywhere else along the causeway. The pegs were placed very near to the edge of the causeway, where it would be unadvisable to walk as there was a sizeable drop, from this edge, on to the beach below. The causeway surface was generally uneven, made up of rocks and concrete and the beach was covered with rocks and pebbles of varying sizes. Walking along the causeway or over the beach should be done only with care. The cost of removing the mooring pegs would be disproportionate to any safety benefit gained.


Lynmouth – Risk Management


·         An internal audit of the following topics was carried out this quarter, although many do not apply, given the current non-statutory status of the harbour. The Ilfracombe Harbour Master is currently reviewing the Lynmouth Marine Safety Management System.

·         Two mooring balls on the Harbour Arm still require painting white to highlight their positions and prevent trip hazards.

·        New composite poles for the new Aid to Navigation lights had been purchased and were in storage. The poles would be installed once the new solar powered lights had been procured.

·         Devon County Council had completed repairs to the May Bridge.

·        The Ilfracombe Harbour Master is reviewing the Marine Safety Management System.


The Designated person confirmed that both harbours were being proactively managed and thus conformed to the Marine Safety Management System plan.


The Board noted the findings of the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit Report - Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbours.


Supporting documents: