Agenda item

Agenda item

2021/22 Building Control Partnership trading account Quarter 4.

Report by North Devon Council Accountancy Services Manager (attached).


The Joint Committee considered a report by North Devon Council Accountancy Services Manager (circulated previously) regarding the 2021/22 Q3 Forecast Building Control Partnership Trading Account.


The Accountancy Services manager (NDC), gave the Committee the following summary:


·       Section one of the trading account showed the yearly budget for each Council.

·       Section two showed the actuals for the year.

·       Section three showed the percentage split of trade income between the two authorities, with the trading position for North Devon at 58.43% for North Devon Council and 41.57% for Mid Devon District Council.


The surplus for the 12 month period was £32K for North Devon Council and £31K for Mid Devon District Council.


In response to a question regarding how the partnership managed the surplus, the Accountancy Services Manager advised that in previous years the surplus have been put into the reserves and that it was a decision for each authority to decide how to manage the surplus funds. The Head of Planning, Housing and Health for North Devon Council advised that the surplus should be retained for the future requirements and financial challenges of the service.


The Principle Building Surveyor for North Devon Council provided an update in relation to the Building Control Business update (circulated separately as a supplement).


He advised that the key performance data indicated that the Partnership had had another strong performance for the financial year. The overall market share had dropped slightly to 79% for quarter four, which gave an average of 80% market share across the year 2021/2022. This level of market share was high for a local authority and could only be maintained if the service was able to continue to a provide service at a level that customers expect. The workload had remained high for individuals since the retirement of one of the Building Control Surveyors in September 2021. Covid had impacted on already reduced resources and despite continuing to work remotely, in the last quarter of 2021/22, four of the surveying staff contracted Covid and had time off sick and been self-isolating at home. To date, no replacement had been appointed for the vacant Building Control Manager’s post which had led to significant pressure being placed on the Technical Support Team Leader and the two Principle Surveyors. Validation Training Programme Level 5 and 6 Surveyor. Impact on the Building Control resource was already being felt with Level 5 Surveyor training in progress for one of the Building Control Surveying Team members in North Devon. Training required the Surveyor to attend an online full learning day every Wednesday for 10 weeks. In June, the remaining Surveying Staff would be commencing validation training for Level 5 and 6 Fire Safety Training and Level 6 Enforcement Training. The details of this training were yet to be confirmed but it was understood each of the surveyors would be required to attend an online session for three hours a week (during the working day) on a Wednesday or Friday for a period of 20 weeks.


He explained that an additional 20 hour Technical Support Staff post had been advertised. However, a suitable candidate was not found. In June 2022, there were changes being introduced to Approved Document F, which related to the requirements for ventilation to buildings and a new Approved Document S was being introduced, this would require Electric Charging points to be provided for new dwellings. However, the most significant changes to report were those being introduced to Approved Document L, which related to Conservation of Fuel and Power.


As with previous changes to the requirements, he added that the Government had advised on the transitional provisions proposed. The transitional provisions allowed an applicant to commence work on an application before 15th June 2023 and use the current standard as long as that application had been deposited before 15th June 2022. Applications deposited on or after 15th June 2022 would need to comply with the new standard. Applications deposited before 15th June 2022, but had not commence by 15th June 2023 would have to meet the new standard.


In response to a question, the Principle Building Surveyor for North Devon Council advised that there was currently no pressure from the private sector with regard to the removal of licences. The Head of Planning, Housing and Health advised that assurance would be given in relation to the current operating model as part of the next item.


The Chair thanked the Principle Building Surveyor for North Devon Council for his update.

Supporting documents: