Agenda item

Hackney Carriage and Private hire policy Amendments

Report by Public Protection Manager (attached).


The Committee considered a report in relation to Hackney Carriage and Private hire Policy Amendments (circulated previously), by the Public Protection Manager.


The Public Protection Manager gave the Committee the following points:


·       The last review in respect of taxi fares, took place in February 2019, no change was made.  The last time taxi fares had been increased was in 2016.

·       With the recent increases in fuel price charges a fuel surplus surcharge to the tariff was being suggested.  This was an option not utilised at North Devon Council before.

·       From April 2016 to February 2022 diesel had increased in cost by 44% per litre, 87% of the taxis in North Devon ran on diesel.

·       Due to the rural nature of the area, mileage was high and more ‘dead mileage’ was incurred because of having further to get back to the next pick up.

·       A newsletter was circulated to the trade in February seeking views on an increase in fares.  The feedback received was presented at Appendix D of the agenda.

·       Appendix E of the agenda listed a comparison table benchmarking the existing Hackney Carriage tariff against the aspirational increase as well as measured increase options. 

·       A method of using the increases in Consumer Price Index (CPI) values had been the method used to arrive at the percentage increase options displayed in columns 5, 6, and 7 of the table at Appendix E.

·       Any agreed increase percentage would be taken to a meter provider tasking them to equate the increase to a meter; this figure would need to be the recommended amount put forward to future committees for approval.

·       An exceptional fuel price surcharge was being proposed.  Where fuel exceeded £1.75 per litre, based on the latest AA fuel price (South West average price) report a 10p additional surcharge could be added to the fare.

·       The valet cost of £100 was being based on the same level of cost most Devon authorities were implementing.  This was an increase from the existing charge of £75.

·       The horse drawn carriage increase was being proposed at 50p taking the cost to £2.00 per minute. 


The Chair invited Mr Lethbridge, a taxi driver of many years, to address the Committee.


RECOMMENDED that the following be approved at Strategy and Resources;

a)    The current table of fares be increased by 12.3%, and this to be reviewed in six months,

b)    The valet charge, due to a customer soiling a vehicle, be increased to £100,

c)    An increase in fare of non-motorised vehicles to £2.00 per minute,

d)    The commencement of tariff 2 and 5 (night rate) from 21:00 hours, and

e)    Add an additional charge of 10p to the fare price when the South West average price of fuel oil exceeds £1.75 per litre based on the latest available AA Fuel Price Report with a further 10p added for each subsequent increase of 10p per litre.


RECOMMENDED that Governance Committee agree to update North Devon Council’s constitution allowing the Licensing and Community Safety Committee delegated power to set Hackney Carriage Fares.

Supporting documents: