Agenda item

Agenda item

Crematorium Matters

Report by the Crematorium Manager (attached)


The Joint Committee considered a report by the Crematorium Manager (previously circulated).


i)        Covid Crisis Update


It was noted:


That mourner numbers had been kept at 162 during the latest surge in cases and mask wearing strongly encouraged through on-screen messaging.


ii)        Achievements


It was noted:


That the Music/Webcast system contract had been re-tendered as it had

reached the 4-year term. One tender had been received from the existing

contractor with no increase in price and had it been accepted.


iii)       Metals Recycling Charity Award


It was noted:


That the Over and Above (Cancer & Wellbeing Centre) had been awarded £15,000, paid on 8th December 2021. A cheque presentation by Councillor Walker with associated press release was made on 13th December 2021. As yet the next round of nominations had not opened.




(A)      That the current list of supported Charities be reduced to the following:


Families in Grief

North Devon Hospice


Children’s Hospice SW


(B)      That the following currently supported Charities be placed on a substitute list:


North Devon Children’s Holiday Foundation

Over and Above (North Devon Hospital – Maternity Unit Bereavement Suite)


Calvert Trust

Over and Above (Cancer & Wellbeing Centre)


(C)      That the following new applications received for consideration be not added to the supported list of Charities. A strong connection to bereavement and North Devon needed to be demonstrated.


Alzheimer’s Society – Devon & Cornwall Branch

Target Ovarian Cancer

Over and Above (Midwifery students, Midwives, Doctors and Maternity Care Assistants) specialist training.

North Devon Against Domestic Abuse (NDADA)

Young Lives Vs Cancer

SUDEP – Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy


(D)      That the list be re-considered in 2 years’ time (February 2024).


iv)       Crematorium Figures


The Cremation figures were noted.


v)       Garden Improvements


It was noted that the Rowan Exit Sails had been ordered and the steel supports installed.


vi)       Larkbear Development – Traffic Management


It was noted that following representations by the Crematorium Manager it had been agreed that the new camera-enforced bus gate in Old Torrington Road would be made ‘one-way’, permitting crematorium (all) traffic to approach using the existing route as well as Gratton Way whilst having to depart via Gratton Way only.

This was, however, subject to either traffic calming or a 20mph speed limit along Old Torrington Road being implemented. The funding status for the speed limit change or traffic calming remained unclear as was the consequence if funding was not made available by Devon County Council.


vii)      Phase B works (garage store/memorial room)


It was noted that on 15th February 2019 the Joint Committee agreed to proceed

with Phase B works (demolish garages and rebuild storage in bungalow


However, staff changes combined with difficulties during Covid had delayed the works. The new Surveyor had reviewed the project. In light of the underground services within the works area he had proposed that the site for the new storage be within the existing bulk-materials area (upper carpark) and that the hearse waiting area be placed at the entrance using part of the ground cleared by the garage demolition.

A consultancy firm had been asked to report the likely costs and outline


In the event there are residual funds, the Surveyor hoped to identify possible funding sources for a site survey for solar panels on Rowan Chapel roof and possibly grants towards the installation.


The Joint Committee considered three projected cost options (tabled).


RESOLVED that option 3 (Car Park only including turning area tarmac) be

agreed to be put out to tender


viii)     Children’s funeral fund


It was noted that the cost of providing funeral services for the under 18s

(including stillbirth) had been claimed from the Government Children’s Funeral Fund and this year had resulted in a total of approximately £6,200 being

recovered and another £2,300 pending (11 services).


The Joint Committee previously requested that this be reported for

consideration regarding the most appropriate use of the income.


The lead gardener had identified modest enhancements to the children’s area and the failing natural pond for consideration.




(A)      That the following brief and quotation outlined in the tabled report be




·       Renovate the existing circular pond area to create a new pond with a diameter of approx. 6.5 – 7 m, with a natural rockery stone edge and a 1 m wide perimeter of grass.

·       To create a natural ‘rock island’ in the middle of the pond by positioning a drilled rock, connected to the existing pump, to provide a babbling water feature.


Main pond works

To carry out the following:

·       Protect the access paths with boards/sheets.

·       Endeavour to catch as much of the pond fauna as is reasonably possible and transfer to a temporary storage tank

·       Pump out the pond water and discharge to surround beds/drains.

·       Use a mini digger to dismantle the existing pond and surrounding growth then carry out excavation and grading works to create the new pond form.

·       To remove and dispose of all arisings from site.

·       Supply and line the void with a protective membrane.

·       Supply and install an EPDM pond liner.

·       Fill the pond with water supplied by you.

·       Place local natural rockery stones around the perimeter of the pond to hold the liner in place and help reduce the view of the liner during the seasonal fluctuation in water levels.

·       Cultivate the surrounding soil and prepare to a finish, then supply and lay turf.

For the sum of £6354.00 + VAT


Rock island with drilled rock water feature

·       Supply and position a drill rock (approx. 600 – 700 mm height), probably set on a few other stones.

·       Connect the existing pump to the rock.

Guide price: £600.00 - £700.00 + VAT


(B)      That in future monies claimed from the Children’s Funeral Fund be

allocated to the General Fund.

Supporting documents: