Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual - Online meeting. View directions

Note: The Licensing Committee prefers to hold Licensing Act hearings in the presence of the parties, but in this instance, given the Covid-19 situation, the Sub-Committee has adopted the lawful and appropriate procedure of holding the meeting virtually. If you would like an invite to attend the meeting virtually please contact the Corporate and Community Services Office on 01271 388253 to request an invite. Please request this no later than noon on Friday 21 January 2022. 

No. Item


Appointment of Chair


RESOLVED that Councillor Biederman be appointed chair for this meeting.


Virtual Meeting Etiquette and Procedure

Chair to report.


The Chair introduced himself and asked the Sub-Committee members to introduce themselves along with the Officers present.  The virtual meetings etiquette and procedures were read out.  It was confirmed those members of the public who should be present were.


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone Corporate and Community Services to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Interests must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary).



There were no declarations of interest announced.


Application for the grant of a Premises Licence; Freshwell Campsite, Moor Lane, Croyde, Braunton, North Devon, EX33 1PA reference number 053726 pdf icon PDF 294 KB

Report by the Licensing Officer (attached).

Additional documents:


Also present:


Mr Michael Symonds, applicant

Mr John Symonds, business partner of applicant, also supporting applicant Mr Marley.

Mr Seybold, Mr Hall, persons who had made representations.

Mr Dunkley, Solicitor representing Mr Whitty and Mr West, persons who had made representations.

Maggie Beaumont and Jayne Young, representing Georgeham Parish Council, persons who had made a representation.



The Sub-Committee considered a report for an application for a premises license in respect of Freshwell Campsite, Moor Lane, Croyde, Braunton, Devon, EX33 1PA (circulated previously) by the Licensing Officer.


The Licensing Officer confirmed that all the formal requirements had been met for the submission of the application.


The Legal Advisor outlined the hearing process.


The Licensing Officer presented his report.


The Chair invited Mr Michael Symonds, the applicant, to present his case.


Mr Symonds provided the Sub-Committee with the following information:


·       To address concerns raised about off sales.  It was the intention that this would be for people staying on the campsite

·       If a group of people walked onto the site and tried to purchase alcohol to take away they would be refused

·       The capacity of 100 was people seated at tables there would be no standing.  If it helped to allay concerns this number would be reduced

·       There was concern over the number of sites in the village where takeaways could be bought.  Their intention was to help reduce the amount of waste created

·       The applicant was very aware of the special place Croyde was and they were proud of their campsite and would not want to do anything to risk the business they had built up


In response to questions Mr Symonds gave the following replies:

·       On how arrival of cars would be managed, Mr Mr Symonds replied that there was space on the bottom field for cars to park but that he wouldn’t be expecting visitors to arrive in cars as the facilities were for the paying guests.

·       Mr Symonds stayed on the site during the months they are open so he would be supervising the site.  The gate was locked overnight.

·       The site was for paying guests so an influx of people arriving on site would be refused access. 

·       The number of staff to be employed would be taken under advice of a friend who had 20+ years of experience in the trade.

·       He would be happy to reduce the hours able to sell alcohol to 9 pm including bank holidays, the site would be empty and cleared by 9.30 pm.

·       The months they were open to guests was May to September.

·       The licenced area included the bottom field and on occasion, this was used as an overflow for tent pitches.

·       There were male and female toilets available in the bottom field.  This had not been indicated on the plan due to spacing needed to allow for Covid restrictions.

·       As the months they were open meant lighter evenings there had been no consideration for the need for lighting on site.  Once off the site, street lighting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.