Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Barum Room - Brynsworthy. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone Corporate and Community Services to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Interests must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary).



There were no declarations of interest made.


Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence; Madrigal Brewery, Unit 2, Hele Business Park, Witheridge Place, Ilfracombe, Devon, EX34 9RA, Reference Number 051118 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report by Acting Service Lead (Licensing) Officer, (attached).

Additional documents:


Also present:


Mr Schamotta, (applicant) and Interested Party, Planning Officer (BC).


The Chair introduced himself and those present.


The Acting Service Lead (Licensing) Officer confirmed that all formal requirements had been met and the application properly made.


The Legal Officer outlined the process for the hearing.


The Acting Service Lead (Licensing) Officer present his report, (circulated previously), in respect of the application for a premises licence for Madrigal Brewery, Unit 2, Hele Business Park, Witheridge Place, Ilfracombe, Devon, EX34 9RA application reference 051118.


The Applicant presented his case as follows:


·         He had planned for a brewery shop where visitors would come to see how the beer was made, sample the beer and hopefully make a purchase from the shop

·         The space available for seating was three metres squared and he was not expecting more than five people to be sitting in a day

·         He had previously run a similar business at Lynmouth which had worked well and brought in tourists to the area


In response to a question about how long he had run his business in Lynmouth, the Applicant advised three years.


In relation to a question about how he envisaged managing numbers visiting the premises, the Applicant replied that footfall had not been an issue at his previous business and he expected the same to be true at Ilfracombe.


In response to a question about access for emergency vehicles, the Applicant replied that there was space in front of the premises for an ambulance to park and the builders merchants nearby had good turning access for a fire engine.


In response to a question about the number of parking spaces available, the Applicant confirmed there were two dedicated bays to the front of the premises, one of which he would be using, and there were a further two bays across the road.


In relation to the need for additional parking spaces the Applicant advised he would consider advertising the use of the car park further down the road at the Holiday Park and advising patrons to walk to his premises.


The Planning Officer gave her presentation.  The Planning authority had concerns regarding access to the premises from the A399.  The access was not easy with no pedestrian crossing or footpath, the number of articulated Lorries using the road was the reason for the public safety concern.


In response to a question regarding the number of traffic movements anticipated, the Planning Officer advised she did not know how many extra movements this premises would generate. 


In relation to knowledge of any accidents in the area both the Applicant and Planning Officer confirmed they knew of none.


In his summing up the Applicant stated that the Community Group nearby and the Electricians business generated more traffic movements than he expected to generate.  He could only base his experience on his previous business at Lynmouth.


The Acting Service Lead (Licensing) Officer was asked to sum up.


The Interested Party, Planning Officer was asked to sum up.


RESOLVED, that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.